Chù-ì-le̍k put-chiok koè-tōng-chèng

(Tùi ADHD choán--lâi)

Chù-ì-le̍k put-chiok koè-tōng-chèng (注意力不足過動症, Eng-gí: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD) sī chi̍t khoán cheng-sîn-pēⁿ, it-poaⁿ sī chí gín-á, sī kóng ū chù-ì-le̍k (attention), chhiong-tōng-sèng (衝動性, impulsivity) kap koè-tōng-sèng (過動性, hyperactivity) hong-bīn ê būn-tê.

Chù-ì-le̍k put-chiok koè-tōng-chèng
An image of children
People with ADHD may struggle more than others to focus on tasks such as schoolwork, but can maintain an unusually intense level of attention for tasks they find rewarding or interesting.
Specialty Psychiatry, pediatrics
Symptoms Inattention, carelessness, hyperactivity (evolves into restlessness in adults), executive dysfunction, impulsivity
Usual onset Before age 6–12
Causes Both genetic and environmental factors
Diagnostic method Based on symptoms after other possible causes have been ruled out
Differential diagnosis Normally active young child, conduct disorder, autism spectrum disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, learning disorder, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Treatment Psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, medication
Medication CNS stimulants (i.e. methylphenidate, mixed amphetamine salts), atomoxetine, guanfacine, clonidine
Frequency 84.7 million (2019, using DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10)[1]
  1. Ín-iōng chhò-gō͘: Bû-hāu ê <ref> tag; chhōe bô chí-miâ ê ref bûn-jī GBD2019