
Koài-kî ê IPA.... A-giâu 10:31, 5 Sì-goe̍h 2006 (UTC)

漢羅版本(暫時khǹg chia) siu-kái

Catalunya語 (català IPA: /kətə'la/, /kata'la/) 嘛號做 valencià IPA: /valensi'a/) 是1種羅曼語言,佇安堵拉有國家語言ê地位,tī西班牙kúi-ā位是官方語言之一。大部份ê使用者tiám tī佇西班牙,特別是Catalunya自治社里。Catalunya語是西班牙第二chē人講ê語言。各地ê主動kap被動使用人口鬥鬥起來凡勢有1200萬hiah chē。

Chhàng tī bûn-chiuⁿ lāi-bīn ê phêng-lūn siu-kái

Name used by the Ethnologue, whose classification (NB which is already at the 'splitters' extreme of linguistics) is the one used across Wikipedia. Although the most frequent scientific denomination is, by far, the one of Catalan, this the most spread syncretic denomination in the academic world. Josep Calveras used it for the first time in 1925, in his work La reconstrucció del llenguatge literari català: «"Catalan-Valencian-Balear" would be the proper name that would satisfy everyone, if it were not because it is too long and the philologists are used to say briefly: Catalan language». The official dictionary of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans has the title Diccionari català-valencià-balear.--Periku 10:04, 27 October 2005 (UTC)

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