Hoan-gêng lâi Tâi-gí Wikipedia, chū-iû ê pek-kho-choân-su!
Participate in the Ibero-American Culture Challenge!
Iberocoop has launched a translating contest to improve the content in other Wikipedia related to Ibero-American Culture.
We would love to have you on board :)
Please find the contest here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Translating_Ibero_-_America/Participants_2016
Hugs!--Anna Torres (WMAR) (對話) 2016-nî 5-goe̍h 10-ji̍t (Pài 2) 14:02 (UTC)
siu-kái我發現閣下最近咧共韓國話个地名,對閩南語發音徙去用韓文个羅馬字,這敢有必要?韓文个漢字並無像日文遐爾仔混亂,日文是一時仔音讀、一時仔訓讀,無一個定律,但是韓文个漢字參閩南文仝款,大部份攏是音讀。實在無啥必要放棄閩南語家己个漢字讀音。另外,越南文嘛仝款。抑是汝有啥物特別个想法,是我無想著个,咱通佇遮交流一下?--S205643 (對話) 2016-nî 8-goe̍h 14-ji̍t (Lé-pài) 16:00 (UTC)
Cpx wiki test
siu-káiIt seems that you used to contribute on cpxwiki test version, please come back and do some edits on that version, and I'll try my best to built it with this and the other account User:Asd1346, which is only active on Incubator.--S205643 (對話) 2017-nî 8-goe̍h 12-ji̍t (Pài 6) 15:17 (UTC)
- I've done some "Ga̍u-hó̤ng" stubs similar to what I had done on both nanwiki and cdowiki with Asd1346, while this account created some "date" stubs.--S205643 (對話) 2017-nî 8-goe̍h 12-ji̍t (Pài 6) 15:19 (UTC)
- It seems that we (3 accounts or more) should keep making at least 10 edits for 3 months to make it become a formal version.--S205643 (對話) 2017-nî 8-goe̍h 12-ji̍t (Pài 6) 15:21 (UTC)
Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey
siu-káiHello! The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey. We want to know how well we are supporting your work on and off wiki, and how we can change or improve things in the future. The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation. You have been randomly selected to take this survey as we would like to hear from your Wikimedia community. The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes.
You can find more information about this survey on the project page and see how your feedback helps the Wikimedia Foundation support editors like you. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this privacy statement (in English). Please visit our frequently asked questions page to find more information about this survey. If you need additional help, or if you wish to opt-out of future communications about this survey, send an email through the EmailUser feature to WMF Surveys to remove you from the list.
Thank you!
Reminder: Share your feedback in this Wikimedia survey
siu-káiEvery response for this survey can help the Wikimedia Foundation improve your experience on the Wikimedia projects. So far, we have heard from just 29% of Wikimedia contributors. The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes to be completed. Take the survey now.
If you have already taken the survey, we are sorry you've received this reminder. We have design the survey to make it impossible to identify which users have taken the survey, so we have to send reminders to everyone. If you wish to opt-out of the next reminder or any other survey, send an email through EmailUser feature to WMF Surveys. You can also send any questions you have to this user email. Learn more about this survey on the project page. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this Wikimedia Foundation privacy statement. Thanks!
Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey
siu-káiHello! This is a final reminder that the Wikimedia Foundation survey will close on 23 April, 2018 (07:00 UTC). The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes. Take the survey now.
If you already took the survey - thank you! We will not bother you again. We have designed the survey to make it impossible to identify which users have taken the survey, so we have to send reminders to everyone. To opt-out of future surveys, send an email through EmailUser feature to WMF Surveys. You can also send any questions you have to this user email. Learn more about this survey on the project page. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this Wikimedia Foundation privacy statement.
Translation request
Can you translate and upload the articles zh:阿塞拜疆苏维埃社会主义共和国国旗, zh:阿塞拜疆蘇維埃社會主義共和國國徽 and zh:阿塞拜疆苏维埃社会主义共和国国歌 in Min Wikipedia?
Yours sincerely, Multituberculata (thó-lūn) 2024-nî 2-goe̍h 6-ji̍t (Pài 2) 15:06 (UTC)
請參閲一封 白話字版 和 台羅字版 分語處理 提議
siu-kái在台灣常常看報紙,語言學家說,臺語(閩南語)再過20-30年 大概就會再口語上完全滅亡!台灣當局對臺語的推行看似努力,實際上我的看法是態度消極!當局推展的是台羅及台灣方音;閩南語用字在小學三年級之後的鄉土語言教材是用台羅(第一代使用台羅教科書的人已經超過20歲,可是成效不佳!),可是又有許多人有意見。你知道在民主社會,有時是各行其是的!大陸方面使用的是閩南語拼音法俗稱 普閩典(林寳卿、周長揖 等老師的著作使用)。或許是大陸和台灣應該差不多20-30年後臺語或閩南語口音都會滅亡先!會使用閩南語的大夥兒應該是相輔相成、互相合作才是吧!我常用閩南語的地方是和我老媽講臺語,和在部隊我是少尉排長的時候,阿兵哥們幾乎都講臺語;2015年我老媽過世後,我就只和理髮店的老闆娘講臺語!我想再過一些年沒有人會再講臺語;我12歲以後才慢慢會講中文(國語,普通話),12歲之前只會勉强聼而已!我到現在數鈔票都用臺語(閩南語)念,這是自然反映。我很早就注意到在中文維基百科你的編輯,中文維基百科管理員常常要我回答讀者的回應;我當大學老師爲了升等產學教學研究服務,都已經去掉半條命了,能夠寫中文維基百科就已經很累了,沒時間再回答讀者了!現在目前完全沒有在中文,英文(前後在美國芝加哥待過20年以上),或俄語(以前在俄羅斯科學院研究以及國立莫斯科大學博士班),日文(日語教科書讀到小學三年級)等百科。只有在閩南語維基百科,先救閩南語!白話字或台羅應該是互相支援,而不是干擾;你説是嗎!
- 呈交 Asd1346 白話字版 和 台羅字版 分語處理 提議
- 對不起,因為我不大會寫漢羅;寫全羅又怕誤會意思。所以直接寫全漢中文。有一位“user唐吉訶德的侍從”最近常來改我的文章,沒完沒了的!從台羅改成 白話字,不曉得他(她)有何用意?
- 可否閩南語維基百科,像中文維基百科一樣分成各地區語言慣用版。比如 閩南語維基百科可以分成 「白話字 版」,及「台羅 字版」,各自創作。也可以互相支援,而不是互相干擾!不知可否採納這個意見!敬祝事祺。Andrei Tshuà 敬啟。
- ps: 在下基本上是用這個帳號「 iōng-tsiá:Andreitshua」
- Andrei是我的護照名字之一,Tshuà 是我的本姓。目前大學老師退休。所以有辦法幾乎每天編譯一篇文章。請指教。
- Andrei Tshuà (thó-lūn) 2022-nî 9-goe̍h 22-ji̍t (Pài 4) 09:33 (UTC)
siu-kái- 我貼這個的用意是閩南語維基百科是允許白話字和台羅共存的;也就是Andreitshua不能隨意把其他人的文章從白話字改爲台羅;這是違反規約的!(可以指正用法錯誤,萬一指正用到白話字或台羅,這少部分指正的文字,我認爲可以共存在一篇文章的;倒也無妨!)不過,我個人主張還是把白話字和台羅分開;和中文維基百科一樣。我想或許這是一個比較好的辦法。--Andrei Tshuà (thó-lūn) 2022-nî 9-goe̍h 23-ji̍t (Pài 5) 00:40 (UTC)
- @Andreitshua:有人愛用白話字,有人愛用台羅,各有所好,我不反對使用台羅,只要大家都能看得懂就行。我不建議將白話字和台羅分設,因為二者的存在較強對應關係,完全可以使用程式進行轉換。一種方案是參照中文維基百科的繁簡轉換;另一種方案是印地語維基百科的數字轉換(在登入登出那行附近的下拉式選單那裡)。這涉及到界面的變更,只有界面管理員才有此權限(目前此wiki無界面管理員)。宜經社群討論通過後,然後提交Meta-Wiki請求技術處理(待技術成熟,還可以考慮將中國大陸的閩拼加入轉換)。--El caballero de los Leones (thó-lūn) 2022-nî 9-goe̍h 23-ji̍t (Pài 5) 15:37 (UTC)
- 首先閣下可能不知道,在12,13歲的時候一個對未來有憧憬的小孩子,被剝奪母語的痛苦!挨揍、被罰錢,甚至整天要調個牌子:【我不再說方言】這種扭曲人性的人生歷程!我不愛寫台羅(更不長進!),這是委曲求全;白話字 又不長進,動則說:我們白話字比IPA早!不是早的問題,那一種語文不是與時俱進的;甚至俄文也是!我60多歲了!老天憐憫我,再活不過2,30年了!我打得過那一群人嗎?我能不委曲求全嗎?你懂嗎?--Andrei Tshuà (thó-lūn) 2022-nî 9-goe̍h 23-ji̍t (Pài 5) 15:57 (UTC)
- @Andreitshua:有人愛用白話字,有人愛用台羅,各有所好,我不反對使用台羅,只要大家都能看得懂就行。我不建議將白話字和台羅分設,因為二者的存在較強對應關係,完全可以使用程式進行轉換。一種方案是參照中文維基百科的繁簡轉換;另一種方案是印地語維基百科的數字轉換(在登入登出那行附近的下拉式選單那裡)。這涉及到界面的變更,只有界面管理員才有此權限(目前此wiki無界面管理員)。宜經社群討論通過後,然後提交Meta-Wiki請求技術處理(待技術成熟,還可以考慮將中國大陸的閩拼加入轉換)。--El caballero de los Leones (thó-lūn) 2022-nî 9-goe̍h 23-ji̍t (Pài 5) 15:37 (UTC)
Iú-koan Bân-lâm-gí Wikipedia ê Telegram
siu-káiLí hó, góa hām chi̍t-kóa iú-chì ū khui wikimedia-nan ê Telegram. Nā-sī lí ū beh chham-ka--ê sî, ē-tàng hām góa liân-lo̍k to-siā. Yoxem (thó-lūn) 2023-nî 11-goe̍h 5-ji̍t (Lé-pài) 09:46 (UTC)