ThomasPusch ê kòng-hiàn
該使用者共計編輯 1 次,帳號於2012-nî 2-goe̍h 20-ji̍t (pài-it) 建立。
2022-nî 11-goe̍h 13-ji̍t (lé-pài)
- 18:012022-nî 11-goe̍h 13-ji̍t (lé-pài) 18:01 diff le̍k-sú −38 Logone Occidental Chiu There is no "Bridge over the Chari River in the Logone Occidental". The picture showed a bridge in Ndjamena more than 400 kilometres from the province!! See file talk:Bruecke ueber den Schari-Fluss.jpg siōng téng ê