"Pa-pí-lûn" pán-pún chi-kan bô-kāng--ê tē-hng

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[[File:Ishtar Gate at Berlin Museum.jpg|thumb|260px|[[Berlin]] [[Pergamon Phok-bu̍t-kóan]] tīn-lia̍t ê [[Ishtar Siâⁿ-mn̂g]].]]
'''Pa-pí-lûn''' (Hi-lia̍p-gí: Βαβυλών ''babylṓn'')<ref>{{cite dictionary|title=Babylon |dictionary=English and Chinese dictionary of the Amoy dialect|author=John Macgowan|year=1883|url=https://archive.org/stream/cu31924023550878#page/n39/mode/2up}}</ref><ref>Pa-pí-lûn sī it-poaⁿ ê hoan-e̍k, tùi-tâng ê Hàn-jī sī "巴比倫", lēng-gōa tī ''Choân-bîn Tâi-gí Sèng-keng'' ū hoan "Ba-bú-lông".</ref> sī [[Mesopotamia]] tē-khu ê [[siâⁿ-chhī kok-ka]], tāi-iok chûn-chāi tī [[chêng 3000 nî]] kàu chêng pah-kúi nî ê sî-chūn. In tī [[chêng 600 nî]] kiàn-li̍p-khí [[Sin Babylon Tè-kok]], kiàn-tio̍k-liáu [[Babylon Khong-tiong Hoe-hn̂g]].
== Chù-kha ==