"Âng-hái" pán-pún chi-kan bô-kāng--ê tē-hng

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Tē 18 chōa:
''[[Erythraea Hái Àn-lāi-kì]]'' (''Periplus of the Erythraean Sea''), sī Hi-lia̍p-gí siá--ê [[periplus]] bûn-su, chok-chiá put-bêng, sī tāi-khài [[Chú-āu|Āu]] 1 sè-kí ê chok-phín, lāi-iông kì-su̍t Âng-hái ê káng-kháu kap hái-lō͘.<ref>{{cite book |last= Fernandez-Armesto |first= Felipe |title= Pathfinders: A Global History of Exploration |year= 2006 |publisher= W.W. Norton & Company |isbn= 0-393-06259-7 |pages= 32–33}}</ref> Che Periplus, mā kì-su̍t [[Hippalus]] sī chóaⁿ-iūⁿ thâu chi̍t kái hoat-kiàn tùi Âng-hái kòe Ìn-tō͘ ê ti̍t-chiap lō͘-sòaⁿ.
Âng-hái chū [[Augustus]] thóng-tī sî-kî, sī Lô-má lân-lâng kah-ì ê [[Lô-má kap Ìn-tō͘ ê bō͘-e̍k|Ìn-tō͘ seng-lí]] lō͘-sòaⁿ, he tng sī [[Lô-má Tè-kok]] khai-sí khòng-chè [[Tē-tiong-hái]], [[Ai-ki̍p]] kap Âng-hái pak-pō͘ liáu-āu. Chia lō͘-sòaⁿ ūi chá-chêng ê kok-ka to̍h ū leh ēng, m̄-koh tī Lô-má sî-tāi, seng-lí koh ke khah tōa. Tang-iûⁿ ê mi̍h, mā keng-kòe Ìn-tō͘ ê kán-kháu hông sàng kòe Lô-má sè-kài. Hit-chūn Tang-iûⁿ kap Lô-má tio̍h óa-khò Âng-hái kau-thong, kàu-bé hō 3 sè-kí ê [[Aksum Tè-kok]] chhiat tn̄g.<ref>{{cite book |last= East |first= W. Gordon |title= The Geography behind History |year= 1965 |publisher= W.W. Norton & Company |isbn= 0-393-00419-8 |pages= 174–175}}</ref>
== Chham-chiàu ==