"Āu-liú" pán-pún chi-kan bô-kāng--ê tē-hng

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[[File:Scharnier lossepen001.jpg|thumb|Chi̍t khoán hô͘āu-tia̍pliú]]
'''Āu-liú''', chi̍t khoán kū-sek ê hō-miâ sī '''hô͘-tia̍p'''<ref>{{cite TJTST|title=蝴蝶|id=22142|quote=蝴蝶. 蝶番.}} (bāng-ia̍h téng ê ké-soeh kap chheh-pún lāi bô-kâng)</ref><ref>{{cite dictionary|author=Thomas Barclay|year=1923|dictionary=Supplement to Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy|url=https://archive.org/stream/chineseenglish00doug#page/497/mode/1up/search/hinge|page=497|quote=hô͘-tia̍p, a hinge, ...}}</ref>, sī chi̍t khoán [[be-á-lìn-guh]], ēng lâi kā nn̄g hāng mi̍h sio-chiap, it-poaⁿ thang chè-hān sio-tàu ê mi̍h chi kan ê ka-tō͘, kā chò-hóe kò͘-tēng tiām chi̍t tiâu chhia-sim téng-bīn, in-ê oa̍h-tāng to̍h tiâu tī chit chhia-sim téng-bīn, bē-tàng hiòng ki-tha ê hong-hiòng tńg-se̍h.