"Kak-khí" pán-pún chi-kan bô-kāng--ê tē-hng

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Albertthó-lūn | kòng-hiàn
Albertthó-lūn | kòng-hiàn
Tē 1 chōa:
Kak-khí (cuspid), koh kiò-chò chiam-khí (fang), khián-khí (canine), káu-khí (dogteeth) ia̍h gán-khí (eye teeth), sī [[chhī-leng tōng-but]] ê tn̂g-tn̂g chiam-chiam ê [[chhuìchhùi-khí]]. Kak-khí ê ián-hoà hō͘ i ē-ēng-tit kā mi̍h-kiāⁿ kā kah ân-ân-ân thang-hó kā thiah hun-khui, mā éng-éng the̍h-lâi chò bú-khì ēng. Kak-khí chha-put-to sī chhī-leng tōng-bu̍t chhùi--nih siāng-tōa-ki ê chhùi-khí, lóng-chóng ū 4 ki, téng-ham kap ē-ham hun-pia̍t ū 2 ki, hun-pò͘ tī [[mn̂g-khí]] ē piⁿ--á. Kak-khí kah [[carnassial]] It is a common fallacy to describe canine teeth as being the hallmark of a carnivorous diet - the teeth associated with carnivory are the [[carnassial]] teeth.
The two canines in humans are the [[maxillary canine]] and the [[mandibular canine]].