"So͘-kat-lân" pán-pún chi-kan bô-kāng--ê tē-hng

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Tī Bân-lâm-gí, ''Scotland'' ê [[im-e̍k-gí]] ū '''So͘-kat-lân'''<ref>{{cite journal|title=Cha̍p-jī goe̍h 27 hō, kū-le̍k 11 goe̍h 12 ji̍t, An I-seng-niû tī So͘-kat-lân kòe-óng|journal=Tâi-lâm Kàu-hōe-pò|date=1907 nî 3 goe̍h|issue=264}}</ref>, '''So͘-kiat-lân'''<ref>{{cite journal|title=Pa Bo̍k-su-niû Ê Sió-toān|url=|journal=Tâi-lâm Kàu-hōe-pò|date=1909 nî 10 goe̍h}}</ref>, '''So͘-kek-lân'''<ref>{{cite dictionary|title=Scotland |dictionary=English and Chinese dictionary of the Amoy dialect|author=John Macgowan|year=1883|url=https://archive.org/stream/cu31924023550878#page/n473/mode/2up}}</ref> ia̍h '''Su-kat-lân'''<ref>{{cite book|title=Siù-chú Iâ-so͘ Ki-tok kâi Sin-ieh Tshuân-tsṳ|year= 1892|url=https://books.google.com.tw/books?id=huw9AAAAYAAJ}} (Sòaⁿ-thâu-ōe)</ref> téng khoán.
== KiJîn-pún chu-liāukháu ==
* [[Jîn-kháu]]:
** 5,116,900 ([[2005]])
** [[Jîn-kháu bi̍t-tō͘|Bi̍t-tō͘]]: 65/km²
=== Giân-gí ===
* [[Koaⁿ-hong gí-giân]]: [[Eng-gí]]
== Tē-lí ==
* [[Bīn-chek]]: 78,772 [[km²]]
* [[Hú-siâⁿ]]: [[Edinburgh]]
* Siāng-toā ê siâⁿ-chhī: [[Glasgow]]
== Chèng-tī ==
* [[Chhoā-thâu ê pō͘-tiúⁿ]]: Alex Salmond
* [[Bīn-chek]]: 78,772 [[km²]]
* [[Jîn-kháu]]:
** 5,116,900 ([[2005]])
** [[Jîn-kháu bi̍t-tō͘|Bi̍t-tō͘]]: 65/km²
== Chham-khó ==