Wikipedia:Só͘-ū ê Wikipedia pán-pún lóng èng-kai ū ê bûn-chiuⁿ

(Tùi Wikipedia:SOOU choán--lâi)

E-kha sī Holopedia èng-kai ū ê tiâu-ba̍k. Chit-ê lia̍t-toaⁿ chin ū chim-chiok ê khong-kan. Chhiáⁿ pó·-chhiong, siu-kái. Ū beh the̍h tiāu ê tiâu-ba̍k, chhiáⁿ khó·-pih tòa chhú-siau tiāu ê bûn-chiuⁿ.

Boē khui ia̍h ê tiâu-ba̍k: ~840 tiâu (2006.11.30).

Chia khai-lia̍t ê tê-bo̍k í-keng lóng chhòng-li̍p--ah. Thang kè-sio̍k chham-khó koh khah siōng-sè ê sin pán lia̍t-toaⁿ: Wikipedia:Só͘-ū ê Wikipedia pán-pún lóng èng-kai ū ê bûn-chiuⁿ/Khok-chhiong.

Bûn-hòa siu-kái

  1. Bûn-hoà (Culture)
  2. koan-kong (Tourism)

Bí-su̍t siu-kái

  1. Bí-su̍t (Fine art)
    1. koè-oē (Painting)
    2. Tiau-khek (Sculpture)

Bûn-ha̍k siu-kái

  1. Bûn-ha̍k (Literature)
    1. Tn̂g-phiⁿ siáu-soat (Novel)
      1. Don Quixote (Don Quixote)
      2. 1001 Mî (Thousand and One Nights)
    2. Si (Poetry)
      1. Gilgamesh Sū-sū-si (Epic of Gilgamesh)
      2. Ilias (Iliad)
      3. Mahabharata (Mahabharata)
      4. Odusseia (Odyssey)
  2. Chu/Chheh (Books)
    1. Sèng-keng (The Bible)
    2. Qur'an (The Qur'an)

Im-ga̍k siu-kái

  1. Im-ga̍k (Music)
    1. CD (CD)
    2. Kó͘-tián im-ga̍k (Classical music)
      1. Au-chiu kó͘-tián im-ga̍k (European classical music)
      2. Ìn-tō͘ kó͘-tián im-ga̍k (Indian classical music)
      3. Koa-ke̍k (Opera)
      4. Kau-hiáng-khek (Symphony)
    3. Jazz (Jazz)
    4. Liû-hêng-koa (Pop music)
    5. Reggae (Reggae)
    6. Lêng-hûn im-ga̍k (Soul)
    7. Hok-im im-ga̍k (Gospel)
    8. Iô-kún-ga̍k (Rock and roll)
      1. Tāng-kim-sio̍k im-ga̍k (Heavy metal)
    9. Thoân-thóng im-ga̍k (Traditional)
      1. Gamelan (Gamelan)
  2. Ga̍k-khì (Musical instruments)
    1. Kó͘ (Drum)
    2. phín-siau(Flute)
    3. Gí-tah (Guitar)
    4. Phi-á-no·h, Kǹg-khîm (Piano)
    5. Hiân-ga̍k-khì (String instrument)
    6. kó͘-chhoe (Trumpet)
    7. Bai-ó·-lín, chhiú-khîm (Violin)
    8. Goe̍h-khîm

Kiàn-tio̍k kap thó·-bo̍k siu-kái

  1. Kiàn-tio̍k (Architecture)
  2. oân-kong (Arch)
  3. Kiô (Bridge)
  4. Ūn-hô (Canal )
  5. Chúi-pà (Dam)
  6. Dome (Dome)
  7. Teng-á (Nail)
  8. Thah (Tower )

Le̍k-sú-te̍k ê siu-kái

  1. Aswan Chúi-khò· (Aswan Dam)
  2. Tn̂g-siâⁿ (Great Wall of China)
  3. Kim-jī-thah (Pyramids)
  4. Taj Mahal (Taj Mahal)

Piáu-ián gē-su̍t siu-kái

  1. Bú-tō (Dance)
  2. La-jí-oh (Radio)
  3. Tiān-sī (Television)
  4. Hì-kio̍k (Theater)
    1. Broadway im-ga̍k-kio̍k (Broadway)
    2. Nô-hì (Noh)

Tiān-iáⁿ siu-kái

  1. Tiān-iáⁿ (Film)
    1. History/evolution
      1. Bô-siaⁿ tiān-iáⁿ (Silent film)
      2. Transition to sound
      3. Studio system (Studio era) (Including the different "type" of films from MGM, Warner Bros, Fox, Columbia, etc.)
      4. Modern era

Chèng-hú kap chèng-tī siu-kái

  1. Hui-thóng-tī-chú-gī (Anarchism)
  2. Chu-pún-chú-gī (Capitalism)
  3. Kiōng-sán-chú-gī (Communism)
    1. Kiōng-sán-tóng Soan-giân (Communist Manifesto)
  4. Bîn-chú (Democracy)
  5. To̍k-chhâi (Dictatorship)
  6. Fasci-chú-gī (Fascism)
  7. Choân-kiû-hoà (Globalisation)
  8. Tè-kok-chú-gī (Imperialism)
  9. Chū-iû-chú-gī (Liberalism)
  10. Kun-ông-chè-tō͘ (Monarchy)
  11. Bîn-cho̍k-chú-gī/Kok-cho̍k-chú-gī (Nationalism)
  12. Chéng-cho̍k-chú-gī (Racism)
  13. Kiōng-hô-kok (Republic)
  14. Siā-hoē-chú-gī (Socialism)
  15. Hun-koân (Separation of powers)
    1. Su-hoat (Judiciary)
    2. Li̍p-hoat (Legislature)
    3. Hêng-chèng (Executive)
  16. Chèng-tóng (Political party)
  17. Sîn-chú-chú-gī (Theocracy)

Keng-chè-ha̍k siu-kái

  1. Keng-chè-ha̍k (Economics)
  2. Chîⁿ (Money)
  3. Kiong-kip chham su-kiû (Supply and demand)
  4. Chhī-tiûⁿ (Market)
  5. Chu-pún (Capital)
  6. Kò-thé-keng-chè-ha̍k (Microeconomics)
  7. Chóng-thé-keng-chè-ha̍k (Macroeconomics)

Hòe-pè siu-kái

  1. Bí-kim (American dollar)
  2. Eng-pōng (British pound)
  3. Euro (Euro)
  4. Jîn-bîn-pè (Renminbi)
  5. Rupee (Rupee)
  6. Yen (Yen)

Hoat-lu̍t bûn-kiāⁿ siu-kái

  1. Hiàn-hoat (Constitution)
  2. Hoat-lu̍t (Law)
  3. Tāi-hiàn-chiong (Magna Carta)
  4. Leviathan (chheh) (Leviathan)

Kok-chè cho·-chit siu-kái

  1. Hui-chiu Cho͘-ha̍p (African Union)
  3. A-la-pek Liân-bêng (Arab League)
  4. Hoán-choân-kiû-hoà (Antiglobalization)
  5. To̍k-li̍p Kok-ka Cho͘-ha̍p (Commonwealth of Independent States)
  6. Kok-ka Cho͘-ha̍p (Commonwealth of Nations)
  7. Au-chiu Phêng-gī-hoē (Council of Europe)
    1. Au-chiu Jîn-koân Hoat-īⁿ (European Court of Human Rights)
    2. Au-chiu Jîn-koân Kong-iok (European Convention on Human Rights)
  8. Goā-kau (Diplomacy)
  9. Europa Liân-bêng (European Union)
  10. Chū-iû (chèng-tī) (Liberty)
  11. Genève Kong-iok (Geneva Conventions)
    1. Chhiah Si̍p-jī/Âng Goe̍h-bâi/Âng Chúi-chiⁿ (Red_Cross)
  12. Choân-kiû-hoà (Globalization)
  13. Kok-chè Hêng-sū Kéng-chhat Cho͘-chit (Interpol)
  14. NATO (NATO)
  15. Nobel Chióng (Nobel Prize)
  16. OECD (OECD)
  17. OSCE (OSCE)
  18. Olympia Ūn-tōng-hoē (en:Olympic Games)
  19. OPEC (OPEC)
  20. Bí-chiu Kok-ka Cho͘-chit (Organization of American States)
  21. Liân-ha̍p-kok (United Nations)
    1. IAEA (IAEA)
    2. IMF (IMF)
    3. Kok-chè Hêng-sū Hoat-īⁿ (International Criminal Court)
    4. Kok-chè Su-hoat Hoat-īⁿ (International Court of Justice)
    5. WHO (WHO)
    6. WTO (WTO)
    9. Sè-kài Jîn-koân Soan-giân (Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
    10. Sè-kài Gîn-hâng (World Bank)

Jîn-lūi gī-tê siu-kái

  1. Thu̍t-the (Abortion)
  2. Pī-īn (Birth control)
  3. Sí-hêng (Capital punishment)
  4. Jîn-koân (Human rights)
  5. Chéng-cho̍k-chú-gī (Racism)
  6. Sexism (Sexism)
  7. Jîn-lūi ê Sèng (Sexuality)
  8. Lô͘-lē chè-tō͘ (Slavery)

Chia̍h-mi̍h siu-kái

  1. Ngó͘-kok
    1. Be̍h-á (Wheat)
    2. Hoan-be̍h (Corn)
    3. Iàn-be̍h (Oats)
    4. Lô͘-sé/Kau-liâng (Sorghum)
    5. Tiū-á (Rice)
    6. Toā-be̍h (Barley)
  2. Chúi-kó (Fruit)
    1. Kin-chio (Banana)
    2. Lê-món (Lemon)
    3. Lìn-go·h/phōng-kó (Apple)
    4. Liú-teng (Orange)
    5. Phu-tô (Grape)
  3. Chhài-se (Vegetable)
  4. Pháng/Mī-pau (Bread)
  5. Chhì-juh (Cheese)
  6. Chi-ku-la̍t (Chocolate)
  7. Mî-hoe (cotton)
  8. Phang-bi̍t (Honey)
  9. Má-lêng-chî (Potato)
  10. N̂g-tāu (Soy bean)
  11. Thn̂g (Sugar)
  12. Hun-chháu (Tobacco)

Ím-liāu siu-kái

  1. Chiú-cheng (Alcohol)
    1. Bì-luh/be̍h-á-chiú (Beer)
    2. Phû-tô-chiú (Phô-tô) (Wine)
  2. Cola (Khò͘-lah)
  3. Ka-pi (ko-pi)
  4. Chúi (Water)
  5. Gû-leng (Milk)

Chong-kàu siu-kái

  1. Chong-kàu (Religion)
  1. Chiam-chhiⁿ-ha̍k (Astrology)
  2. Baha'i (Baha'i)
    1. Báb (Báb)
    2. Bahá'u'lláh (Bahá'u'lláh)
  3. Hu̍t-kàu (Buddhism )
    1. Gautama Buddha (Gautama Buddha)
  4. It-koàn-tō (I-Kuan Tao)
  5. Ki-tok-kàu (Christianity )
    1. Kàu-hōe (Church)
    2. Iâ-hô-hoa (Jehovah)
    3. Iâ-hô-hoa Kiàn-chèng-jîn (Jehovah's Witnesses)
    4. Iâ-so͘ (Jesus)
    5. Kàu-chong (Pope)
    6. Ki-tok Sin-kàu (Protestantism)
    7. Sam-it-sîn (Trinity)
  6. Khóng-chú-kàu (Confucianism )
  7. Sîn (God)
    1. Monotheism (Monotheism)
  8. Ìn-tō͘-kàu (Hinduism)
    1. Brahman (Brahman)
    2. Brahma (Brahma)
    3. Vishnu (Vishnu)
    4. Shiva (Shiva)
    5. Veda (Veda)
    6. Bhagavad Gita (Bhagavad Gita)
    7. Upanishads (Upanishads)
  9. Islam-kàu (Islam )
    1. Ali (Ali)
    2. Mosque (Mosque)
    3. Muhammad (Muhammad)
    4. Omar (Omar)
    5. Sufism (Sufism)
  10. Jainism (Jainism )
  11. Iû-thài-kàu (Judaism)
    1. Moses (Moses)
    2. Torah (Torah)
    3. Talmud (Talmud)
  12. Sîn-ha̍k (Theology)
  13. Sîn-oē (Mythology)
    1. Hi-lia̍p sîn-oē (Greek mythology)
  14. Shinto (Shinto)
  15. Sikhism (Sikhism)
    1. Nanak (Nanak)
  16. Spirits (Spirits)
  17. Tō-kàu (Taoism )
  18. Unitarianism (Unitarianism)
  19. Voodoo (Voodoo)
  20. Zoroastrianism (Zoroastrianism)
    1. Zoroaster (Zoroaster)

Chong-kàu tiat-ha̍k siu-kái

  1. Agnosticism (Agnosticism)
  2. Atheism (Atheism)
  3. Goân-lí-chú-gī (Fundamentalism)

Gí-giân siu-kái

  1. Gí-giân (Language)
  2. Hong-giân
  3. Gí-hoat (Grammar)
  4. Gí-giân-ha̍k (Linguistics)
  5. Ho͘-im (Hoat-im) (Pronunciation)
  6. Kù-hoat (Syntax)
  7. Tan-gí (Word)
  8. Hàn-gí ([[::en:Chinese|Chinese]])
    1. Bân-lâm-gí
    2. Kheh-gí
    3. Oa̍t-gí
  9. A-la-pek-gí (Arabic)
  10. Bēng-ka-lá-gí (Bengali)
  11. Eng-gí (English)
  12. Sè-kài-gí (Esperanto)
  13. Hoat-gí (French)
  14. Tek-gí (German)
  15. Hi-lia̍p-gí ([[::en:Greek|Greek]])
  16. Hi-pek-lâi-gí (Hebrew)
  17. Hindi (Hindi)
  18. Ji̍t-gí ([[::en:Japanese language|Japanese]])
  19. Latin-gí ([[::en:Latin|Latin]])
  20. Lō͘-se-a-gí (Russian)
  21. Sanskrit (Sanskrit)
  22. Se-pan-gâ-gí ([[::en:Spanish|Spanish]])
  23. Tamil-gí ([[::en:Tamil language|Tamil language]])
  24. Türkiye-gí

Kang-gia̍p siu-kái

  1. Manufacturing
  2. Mining
  3. Refining

Ki-su̍t siu-kái

Tiān-náu/kè-sǹg-ki siu-kái

  1. Chok-gia̍p hē-thóng (Operating system)
    1. BSD (BSD)
    2. GNU/Linux (GNU and Linux)
    3. Mac OS (Mac OS)
    4. Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Windows)
    5. Unix (Unix)
  2. Iōng-chiá kài-bīn (User interface)
    1. Mouse (Mouse)
    2. Keyboard (Keyboard)
    3. Monitor (Monitor)
  3. Jîn-kang tì-hūi (Artificial Intelligence)
  4. Nńg-thé/Nńg-kiāⁿ (Software)
  5. Tiān-náu/Kè-sǹg-ki (Computer)
    1. Processor (Processor)
    2. RAM (RAM)
    3. Motherboard (Motherboard)
    4. Hard disk (Hard disk)
    5. Boot loader (Boot loader)
  6. Tiān-náu kho-ha̍k (Computer science)
    1. Algorithm (Algorithm)
  7. Thêng-sek gí-giân (Programming language)
    1. BASIC (BASIC)
    2. C (C)
    3. C++ (C++)
    4. Java (Java)
    5. Pascal (Pascal)
    6. PHP (PHP)

Phó·-phiàn ê ki-su̍t kap ke-si siu-kái

  1. Coinage (Coinage)
  2. Kang-têng (Engineering)
  3. Inclined plane (Inclined plane)
  4. Lever (Lever)
  5. Metallurgy (Metallurgy)
  6. Pulley (Pulley)
  7. Screw (Screw)
  8. Wedge (Wedge)
  9. Lián-á (Wheel)

Thong-sìn siu-kái

  1. Jī-bó (Letters / Alphabet)
    1. Hàn-jī (Chinese character)
    2. Kyril jī-bó (Cyrillic alphabet)
    3. Hi-lia̍p jī-bó (Greek alphabet)
    4. Latin jī-bó (Latin alphabet)
    5. Literacy (Literacy)
  2. Chu-sìn (Information)
  3. Internet (Internet)
    1. Tiān-chú-phoe (E-mail)
    2. Internet protocol (Internet protocol)
    3. TCP (TCP)
    4. World Wide Web (World Wide Web)
      1. Liû-lám-khì (Web browser)
    5. HTTP (HTTP)
    6. HTML (HTML)
    7. Wiki (Wiki)
  4. Journalism (Journalism)
    1. Pò-choá (Newspaper)
    2. Tāi-chiòng môe-thé (Mass media)
  5. Ìn-soat (Printing)
  6. Thih-lō· (Railroad)
  7. Tiān-pò (Telegraph)
  8. Tiān-oē (Telephone)
    1. Hêng-tōng tiān-oē (Mobile telephone)
  9. Tiān-sī (Television)
  10. Bûn-jī (Writing)

Tiān-chú siu-kái

  1. Electronics (Electronics)
    1. Voltage (Voltage)
    2. Current (Current)
    3. Charge (Charge)
    4. Frequency (Frequency)
    5. Phase (Phase)
    6. Resistance (Resistance)
    7. Reactance (Reactance)
    8. Inductance (Inductance)
    9. Capacitance (Capacitance)
    10. Gain (Gain)
  2. Components (Components)
    1. Transistor (Transistor)
    2. Diode (Diode)
    3. Resistor (Resistor)
    4. Capacitor (Capacitor)
    5. Transformer (Transformer)
    6. Inductor (Inductor)

Chia̍h-mi̍h ê seng-sán siu-kái

  1. Grain grinding
  2. Irrigation
  3. To
  4. Lôe
  5. Pottery

Lêng-goân siu-kái

  1. Combustion engine (Combustion engine)
  2. Tiān (Electricity)
    1. Hu̍t-chú (Nuclear)
  3. Hoà-chio̍h jiân-liāu (Fossil fuels)
    1. Thô͘-thoàⁿ (Coal)
    2. Gá-suh (Gas)
    3. Chio̍h-iû (Oil)
  4. Hoé (Fire)
  5. Thang-chài-seng lêng-goân (Renewable energy)
    1. Thài-iông-lêng (Solar)
    2. Chúi-le̍k (Hydro)
    3. Hong (Wind)
    4. Éng (Waves)
    5. Chhâ (Wood)
  6. Steam engine (Steam engine)

Chit-liāu siu-kái

  1. Po-lê (Glass)
  2. Choá (Paper)
  3. Sok-ka (Plastic)

Kau-thong siu-kái

  1. Ūn-su (Transportation)
    1. Hui-hêng-ki (Airplane)
    2. Chū-tōng-chhia (Car)
    3. Thih-bé/khóng-bêng-chhia (Bicycle)
    4. Chûn-á (Boat)
    5. Chûn (Ship)
    6. Hóe-chhia (Train)

Bú-khì siu-kái

  1. Pó͘-thâu (Axe)
  2. Chà-io̍h (Explosives)
  3. Chhèng (Firearms)
  4. Hóe-io̍h (Gunpowder)
  5. Ki-koan-chhèng (Machine gun)
  6. Bú-su̍t (Martial arts)
  7. He̍k-chú bú-khì (Nuclear weapons)
  8. Kiàm (Sword)
  9. Tank (Tank)

Kun-sū siu-kái

  1. Lio̍k-kun
    1. Artillery
    2. Cavalry
    3. Infantry
  2. Hái-kun
  3. Khong-kun

Kho-ha̍k siu-kái

Bu̍t-lí-ha̍k siu-kái

  1. Bu̍t-lí-ha̍k (Physics)
  2. Chit-liōng (Mass)
  3. Goân-chú (Atom)
    1. Tiān-chú (Electron)
    2. Tiong-chú (Neutron)
    3. Iông-chú (Proton)
  4. Hun-chú (Molecule)
  5. Ka-sok-tō͘ (Acceleration)
  6. Ki-pún-la̍t (Fundamental interaction)
    1. Kiông-la̍t (Strong nuclear force)
    2. Tiān-chû-la̍t (Electromagnetic interaction)
    3. Jio̍k-la̍t (Weak nuclear force)
    4. Tāng-la̍t (Gravitation)
  7. Kng (Light)
  8. La̍t (Force)
  9. Lêng-liōng (Energy)
    1. Tiān-chû-pho (Electromagnetic radiation)
      1. Âng-goā-soàⁿ (Infrared)
      2. Khoàⁿ-ū-kng (Visible light)
        1. O͘-sek (Black)
        2. Pe̍h-sek (White)
        3. Âng-sek (Red)
        4. N̂g-sek (Yellow)
        5. Le̍k-sek (Green)
        6. Chheⁿ-sek (Green)
        7. Lâm-sek/nâ-sek (Blue)
        8. Khóng-sek (Navy blue)
      3. Chí-goā-soàⁿ (Ultraviolet)
      4. Gamma siā-soàⁿ (Gamma)
  10. Liōng-chú la̍t-ha̍k (Quantum mechanics)
  11. Sî-kan (Time)
  12. Siong-tùi-lūn (Theory of relativity)
  13. Sok-lu̍t (Speed)
  14. Sok-tō͘ (Velocity)
  15. Tāng-liōng (Weight)
  16. Tông-ūi-sò͘ (Isotope)

Hòa-ha̍k siu-kái

  1. Hoà-ha̍k (Chemistry)
  2. Hoà-ha̍k Goân-sò͘ (Chemical Element)
    1. A-iân (Zinc)
    2. A-lú-mih (Aluminium)
    3. Chit-sò͘ (Nitrogen)
    4. Chúi-sò͘ (Hydrogen)
    5. Gîn (Silver)
    6. Helium (Helium)
    7. Kim (Gold)
    8. Li (Lithium)
    9. Ne-óng (Neon)
    10. Sng-sò͘ (Oxygen)
    11. Tâng (Copper)
    12. Thih (Iron)
    13. Thoàⁿ (Carbon)
  3. Goân-sò͘ ê pió (List of elements)
  4. Seng-hoà-ha̍k (Biochemistry)
  5. Iú-ki hoà-ha̍k (Organic chemistry)
  6. Chiu-kî-pió (Periodic table)

I-ha̍k siu-kái

  1. I-ha̍k (Medicine)
  2. AIDS (AIDS)
  3. Chiú-cheng tiòng-to̍k (Alcoholism)
  4. Gâm (Cancer)
  5. Koaⁿ-ngē-hoà (Cirrhosis of the liver)
  6. áu-làu/hok-lōan/ká-tn̂g-soa/làu-thò͘-soa/tiàu-kha-soa/un-to̍k-lī (Cholera)
  7. Gê-i-ha̍k (Dentistry)
  8. Thn̂g-jiō-pēⁿ (Diabetes mellitus)
  9. Lī-chi̍t (Dysentery)
  10. Sim-chōng-pēⁿ (Heart disease)
  11. Ko-hoeh-ap (Hypertension)
  12. Liû-hêng-sèng kám-mō͘ (Influenza)
  13. Hì-gâm (Lung cancer)
  14. Ma-lá-lí-á (Malaria)
  15. Êng-ióng-put-liông (Malnutrtion)
  16. Toā-kho͘ (Obesity)
  17. Sèng-thoân-jiám-pēⁿ (Sexually transmitted disease)
  18. Thian-hoa (Smallpox)
  19. Tiòng-hong (Stroke)
  20. Mûi-to̍k (Syphilis)
  21. Hì-lô (Tuberculosis)
  22. Pēⁿ-to̍k (Virus)
  23. Chheⁿ-mê (Blindness)
  24. Cheng-sîn-pēⁿ (Mental Illness)
  25. Chhàu-hīⁿ-lâng (Deafness)

Jîn-lūi kho-ha̍k siu-kái

  1. Jîn-lūi-ha̍k (Anthropology)
  2. Kàu-io̍k-ha̍k (Education)
  3. Kàu-ha̍k-hoat (Pedagogy)
  4. Sim-lí-ha̍k (Psychology)
  5. Siā-hoē-ha̍k (Sociology)

Khì-hāu siu-kái

  1. Choân-kiû sio-lo̍h-hoà (Global Warming)
  2. El Niño (El Niño)
  3. Hō͘ (Rain)
  4. Hûn (Cloud)
  5. Jia̍t-tāi khì-soân (Tropical cyclone)
  6. Kńg-lê-á-hong (Tornado)
  7. Seh (Snow)

Le̍k-thiah kap sî-kan siu-kái

  1. Goe̍h (Month)
    1. (article about each of the months of the year)
  2. Kang (Day)
    1. Gregorius Le̍k-hoat (Gregorian calendar)
      1. Day-of-week algorithm
      2. Calculation of date of Easter
      3. Lūn-nî (Leap year)
  3. Kū-le̍k (Chinese calendar)
  4. Le̍k-thiah (Calendar)
  5. (Year)
  6. Sî-khu (Time zone)
    1. Hā-sî-kan (Daylight Savings Time)

Lêng-goân í-gōa ê chu-goân siu-kái

  1. Khòng-bu̍t (Minerals)
    1. Thih (Iron)
    2. A-lú-mih (Aluminum)
    3. Siah (Tin)
    4. N̂g-kim (Gold)
    5. Gîn (Silver)
    6. Chheⁿ-tâng (Bronze)
  2. Soān-chio̍h (Diamond)
  3. Iâm (Salt)

Seng-bu̍t-ha̍k siu-kái

  1. Seng-bu̍t-ha̍k (Biology)

Seng-bu̍t mi̍h siu-kái

  1. DNA (DNA)
  2. Kàⁿ-sò͘ (Enzyme)
  3. Nn̄g-pe̍h-chit (Protein)

Chhī-leng tōng-bu̍t ê kiat-kò· siu-kái

  1. Goā-phoê hē-thóng (Integumentary system)
    1. Phoê-hu (Skin)
  2. Ho͘-khip hē-thóng (Respiratory system)
    1. Hì (khì-koan) (Lungs)
  3. Kut hē-thóng (Skeletal system)
  4. Lāi-hun-pì hē-thóng (Endocrine system)
  5. Leng-bô͘ (Breast)
  6. Seⁿ-thoàⁿ hē-thóng (Reproductive system)
    1. Lān-chiáu/im-keng (Penis)
    2. Chi-bai/im-tō (Vagina)
  7. Siau-hoà hē-thóng (Digestive system)
    1. Toā-tn̂g (Large intestine)
    2. Sió-tn̂g (Small intestine)
    3. Koaⁿ (Liver)
  8. Sîn-keng hē-thóng (Nervous system)
    1. Náu (Brain)
    2. Ti-kak hē-thóng (Sensory system)
      1. Thèng-kak hē-thóng (Auditory system)
        1. Hīⁿ (Ear)
      2. Sī-kak hē-thóng (Visual system)
        1. Ba̍k-chiu (Eye)
      3. Hiù-kak hē-thóng (Olfactory system)
      4. Bī-kak hē-thóng (Gustatory system)
      5. Thé-kak hē-thóng (Somatosensory system)
  9. Sûn-khoân hē-thóng (Circulatory system)
    1. Hoeh (Blood)
    2. Sim-chōng (Heart)

Seng-bu̍t thêng-sū siu-kái

  1. Chìn-hoà (Evolution )
  2. Ho͘-khip (Respiration)
  3. Kng-ha̍p-sêng (Photosynthesis)
  4. Pâi-siat (Excretion)
  5. Seⁿ-thoàⁿ (Reproduction)
  6. Siau-hoà (Digestion)
  7. Toà-kūi (Pregnancy)

Seng-bu̍t siu-kái

  1. Goân-seng seng-bu̍t (Protist)
  2. Ko͘ (Fungus)
  3. Kó͘-sè-khún (Archea)
  4. Sè-khún (Bacterium)
  5. Sè-pau (Cell)
  6. Si̍t-bu̍t (Plant)
    1. Hoe (Flower)
    2. Chang (Palm)
    3. Chhiū (Tree)
  7. Tōng-bu̍t (Animal)
    1. Chordata
      1. Lióng-chhe-lūi (Amphibian)
        1. Chúi-ke (Frog)
      2. Chiáu (Bird)
        1. Hún-chiáu (Dove)
        2. Eng-á (Eagle)
      3. (Fish)
        1. Soa-hî (Shark)
      4. Chhī-leng tōng-bu̍t (Mammal)
        1. Bi̍t-pô (Bat)
        2. Hîm (Bear)
        3. Lo̍k-tô (Camel)
        4. Niau (Cat)
        5. (Cattle)
        6. Káu (Dog)
        7. Hái-ti (Dolphin)
        8. Chhiūⁿ (Elephant)
        9. (Horse)
        10. Mî-iûⁿ (Sheep)
        11. Sai (Lion)
        12. Mammoth (Mammoth)
        13. Kâu (Monkey)
        14. Ti (Pig)
        15. Hái-ang (Whale)
      5. Pâ-thiông (Reptile)
        1. Choâ (Snake)
    2. Khun-thiông (Insect)
      1. Káu-hiā (Ant)
      2. Phang (Bee)
      3. Ô͘-tia̍p (Butterfly)
    3. Ti-tu-kong (Arachnid)

Seng-thài-ha̍k siu-kái

  1. Seng-thài-ha̍k (Ecology)
  2. Chéng (seng-bu̍t-ha̍k) (Species)
    1. Endangered species

SI tan-ūi kap kî-thaⁿ--ê siu-kái

  1. Kok-chè Tan-ūi Hē-thóng (SI Unit System)
  2. Kong-chhioh (Metre)
  3. Li̍p (Litre)
  4. Kong-kin (Kilogram)
  5. Bó͘-lú-to͘h (Volt)
  6. (Watt)
  7. Newton (Newton)

Tē-chit-ha̍k siu-kái

  1. Hiân-bú-giâm (Basalt)
  2. Hoé-chio̍h (Flint)
  3. Chio̍h-hoe-giâm (Limestone)
  4. Thô͘ (Soil)
  5. Chúi-chhiâng (Waterfall)

Thian-bûn-ha̍k siu-kái

  1. Thian-bûn-ha̍k (Astronomy)
  2. Toā-phek-le̍k (Big Bang)
  3. Kng-nî (Light year)
  4. O͘-khang (Black hole)
  5. Chheⁿ (Star)
  6. He̍k-chheⁿ (Planet)
  7. Sió-he̍k-chheⁿ (Asteroid)
  8. Tn̂g-boé-chheⁿ (Comet)
  9. Gîn-hô (Galaxy)
    1. Gîn-hô-hē (Milky Way)
  10. Thài-iông-hē (Solar System)
    1. Ji̍t-thâu (Sun)
    2. Chúi-chheⁿ (Mercury)
    3. Kim-chheⁿ (Venus)
    4. Tē-kiû (Earth)
      1. Goe̍h-niû (Moon)
    5. Hóe-chheⁿ (Mars)
    6. Bo̍k-chheⁿ (Jupiter)
    7. Thó·-chheⁿ (Saturn)
    8. Thiⁿ-ông-chheⁿ (Uranus)
    9. Hái-ông-chheⁿ (Neptune)
    10. Mê-ông-chheⁿ (Pluto)

Le̍k-sú siu-kái

Sú-chêng kap kó·-chá ê sè-kài siu-kái

  1. Kó͘ Ai-ki̍p (Ancient Egypt)
  2. Khó-kó͘-ha̍k (Archaeology)
  3. Chheⁿ-tâng Sî-tāi (Bronze Age)
  4. Byzantine Tè-kok (Byzantine Empire)
  5. Kó͘-tián Hi-lia̍p (Classical Greece)
  6. Dinosaur (Dinosaur)
  7. Jîn-lūi chìn-hoà (Human evolution)
  8. Inca (Inca)
  9. Aztec-lâng (Aztec)
  10. Maya-lâng (Maya)
  11. Thih-khì Sî-tāi (Iron Age)
  12. Makedonia Tè-kok (Macedonian Empire)
  13. Mesoamerica (Mesoamerica)
  14. Sú-chêng (Prehistory)
  15. Lô-má Tè-kok (Roman Empire)
  16. Seljuk Tè-kok (Seljuk Empire)
  17. Chio̍h-khì Sî-tāi (Stone Age)
  18. Sumer (Sumer)
  19. Tiong-kok
    1. Hàn-tiâu (Han Dynasty)
    2. Tông-tiâu (Tang Dynasty)
    3. Sòng-tiâu (Sung Dynasty)
    4. Goân-tiâu (Yuan Dynasty)
    5. Bêng-tiâu (Ming Dynasty)

Au-chiu Tiong-kó· Sî-tāi kap Bûn-gē Ho̍k-heng siu-kái

  1. Age of Enlightenment (Age of Enlightenment)
  2. Bí-kok to̍k-li̍p chiàn-cheng (American War of Independence)
  3. Hek-sú-pēng (Black Death)
  4. Britain Tè-kok (British Empire)
  5. Colonization of North-east America (Colonization of North-east America)
  6. Colonization of South America (Colonization of South America)
  7. Counter-Reformation (Counter-Reformation)
  8. Crusades (Crusades)
  9. Discovery of the Americas (Discovery of the Americas)
  10. Dutch Revolt (Dutch Revolt)
  11. English Civil War (English Civil War)
  12. Hoat-kok Kek-bēng (French Revolution)
  13. The Great Schism (The Great Schism)
  14. Sèng Lô-má Tè-kok (Holy Roman Empire)
  15. Tiong-kó· Sî-tāi (Middle Ages)
  16. Napoleonic Wars (Napoleonic Wars)
  17. Ottoman Tè-kok (Ottoman Empire)
  18. Partitions of Poland (Partitions of Poland)
  19. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth)
  20. Reformation (Reformation )
  21. Bûn-gē Ho̍k-heng (Renaissance)
  22. Spanish Inquisition (Spanish Inquisition)
  23. Viking (Vikings)

Kang-gia̍p Sî-tāi siu-kái

  1. 1973 nî chio̍h-iû gûi-ki (1973 oil crisis)
  2. Afghan-Soviet War (Afghan-Soviet War)
  3. Bí-kok Loē-chiàn (American Civil War)
  4. Apartheid (Apartheid)
  5. Léng-chiàn (Cold War)
  6. Decolonization (Decolonization)
  7. Establishment of the State of Israel (Establishment of the State of Israel)
  8. Kang-gia̍p Kek-bēng (Industrial Revolution)
  9. Franco-Prussian War (Franco-Prussian War)
  10. Tek-kok thóng-it (German unification)
  11. Gulf wars
  12. Great Depression (Great Depression)
  13. Holocaust (The Holocaust)
  14. Iran Kek-bēng (Iranian Revolution)
  15. Italia thóng-it (Italian unification)
  16. Hân-chiàn (Korean War)
  17. Meiji Restoration (Meiji Restoration)
  18. Nazi Tek-kok (Nazi Germany)
  19. Outer space exploration (Sputnik, Apollo programs, shuttles)
  20. Perestroika and dissolution of the Soviet Union (Perestroika and dissolution of the Soviet Union)
  21. Polish-Soviet War (Polish-Soviet War)
  22. Tek-kok thóng-it (Reunification of Germany)
  23. Lō͘-se-a Loē-chiàn (Russian Civil War)
  24. Lō͘-se-a Jī-goe̍h Kek-bēng (Russian February Revolution)
  25. Bolshevik Kek-bēng (Bolshevik Revolution )
  26. Thoân-kiat Kang-thoân (Solidarity in Poland )
  27. Se-pan-gâ Loē-chiàn (Spanish Civil War)
  28. The Scramble for Africa (The Scramble for Africa)
  29. Versailles Tiâu-iok (Treaty of Versailles)
  30. Oa̍t-chiàn (Vietnam War)
  31. Tē-it-chhù Sè-kài Tāi-chiàn (World War I)
  32. Tē-jī-chhù Sè-kài Tāi-chiàn (World War II)
  33. Chheng-tiâu (Qing Dynasty)

Sò·-ha̍k siu-kái

  1. Bî-chek-hun (Calculus)
    1. Chek-hun (Integral)
    2. Bî-hun (Derivative)
  2. Bû-hān (Infinity)
  3. Chèng-bêng (Mathematical proof)
    1. Ti̍t-chiap chèng-bêng (Direct proof)
    2. Sò͘-ha̍k kui-la̍p-hoat (Mathematical induction)
    3. Hoán-chèng-hoat (Proof by contradiction)
  4. Chi̍p-ha̍p-lūn (Set theory)
  5. Kí-hô-ha̍k (Geometry)
    1. Îⁿ-hêng (Circle)
      1. Îⁿ-kèng-lu̍t (π)
    2. Sì-kak-hêng (Quadrilateral)
    3. Saⁿ-kak-hêng (Triangle)
  6. Kong-siat (Axiom)
  7. Kûn-lūn (Group theory)
  8. Saⁿ-kak-hoat (Trigonometry)
  9. Sò͘-ba̍k
    1. Ho̍k-cha̍p-sò͘ (Complex number)
    2. Chéng-sò͘ (Integer)
    3. Chū-jiân-sò͘
    4. Sò͘-sò͘
    5. Pí-sò͘ (Rational number)
  10. Sò·-ha̍k (Mathematics)
  11. Sò͘-ha̍k-te̍k ê lô-chek (Mathematical logic)
  12. Tāi-sò͘ (Algebra)
  13. Thóng-kè-ha̍k (Statistics)

Tē-lí-ha̍k siu-kái

  1. Tē-kiû kho-ha̍k (Earth science)
  2. Siú-to· (Capital)
  3. Siâⁿ-chhī (City)
  4. Tāi-lio̍k (Continent)
  5. Soa-bô͘ (Desert)
  6. Hái-iûⁿ (Ocean)
  7. Ú-lîm (Rain forest)
  8. (River)
  9. Hái (Sea)
  10. Pak-ke̍k (North Pole)
  11. Lâm-ke̍k (South Pole)

Tāi-lio̍k kap tē-khu siu-kái

  1. Hui-chiu (Africa)
  2. Lâm-ke̍k Tāi-lio̍k (Antarctica)
  3. A-chiu (Asia)
  4. Au-chiu (Europe)
  5. Latin Bí-chiu (Latin America)
  6. Tiong-tang (Middle East)
  7. Pak Bí-chiu (North America)
  8. Tāi-iûⁿ-chiu (Oceania)
  9. Lâm Bí-chiu (South America)

Kok-ka siu-kái

  1. Category:Kok-ka

Chú-iàu ê siâⁿ-chhī siu-kái

Pau-hâm le̍k-sú--ê, keng-chè--ê chèng-tī--ê kap chong-kàu--ê chú-iàu ê siâⁿ-chhī.

  1. Athína (Athens)
  2. Bangkok (Bangkok)
  3. Barcelona (Barcelona)
  4. Pak-kiaⁿ (Beijing)
  5. Belgrade (Belgrade)
  6. Berlin (Berlin)
  7. Bombay (Bombay)
  8. Brussels (Brussels)
  9. Cairo (Cairo)
  10. Copenhagen (Copenhagen)
  11. Edinburgh (Edinburgh)
  12. Frankfurt (Frankfurt)
  13. Hanoi (Hanoi)
  14. Hiong-káng (Hong Kong)
  15. Istanbul (Istanbul)
  16. Jakarta (Jakarta)
  17. Ia-lō͘-sat-léng (Jerusalem)
  18. London (London)
  19. Manila (Manila)
  20. Madrid (Madrid)
  21. Mecca (Mecca)
  22. México Chhī (Mexico City)
  23. Moscow (Moscow)
  24. Munich (Munich) (München)
  25. Nairobi (Nairobi)
  26. New Delhi (New Delhi)
  27. New York Chhī (New York City)
  28. Paris (Paris)
  29. Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)
  30. Roma (Rome)
  31. Seoul (Seoul)
  32. Siōng-hái (Shanghai)
  33. Sin-ka-pho (Singapore)
  34. St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg)
  35. Stockholm (Stockholm)
  36. Sydney (Sydney)
  37. Tâi-pak (Taipei)
  38. Tang-kiaⁿ (Tokyo)
  39. Toronto (Toronto)
  40. Vienna (Vienna)
  41. Warsaw (Warsaw)
  42. Washington, D.C. (Washington, D.C.)

Chúi-thé siu-kái

Hái kap iûⁿ siu-kái

Pau-hâm hō chò "hái", m̄-koh m̄ sī hái--ê.

  1. Aral Hái (Aral Sea)
  2. Baltic Hái (Baltic Sea)
  3. Caspi Hái (Caspian Sea)
  4. Ìn-tō·-iûⁿ (Indian Ocean)
  5. Lâm-ke̍k-iûⁿ (Southern Ocean)
  6. O͘-hái (Black Sea)
  7. Pak Hái (North Sea)
  8. Pak-ke̍k-iûⁿ
  9. Sí-hái (Dead Sea)
  10. Tāi-se-iûⁿ (Atlantic Ocean)
  11. Tē-tiong-hái (Mediterranean Sea)
  12. Thài-pêng-iûⁿ (Pacific Ocean)

, khe, kang siu-kái

  1. Amazonas Hô (Amazon River)
  2. Mississippi Hô (Mississippi River)
  3. Niagara Chúi-chhiâng
  4. Nile Kang

Ô͘ siu-kái

  1. Gō͘-toā-ô͘ (Great Lakes)
  2. Baikal Ô͘
  3. Tanganyika Ô͘
  4. Titicaca Ô͘
  5. Victoria Ô͘

Ūn-hô siu-kái

  1. Panama Ūn-hô (Panama Canal)
  2. Suez Ūn-hô (Suez Canal)

Kî-thaⁿ siu-kái

  1. Toā-pó-chiau (Great Barrier Reef)

Soaⁿ, soaⁿ-kok, soa-bô͘ siu-kái

  1. Alps
  2. Andes
  3. Great Rift Valley
  4. Himalayas
  5. Kilimanjaro
  6. Chomolangma Hong (Everest Hong)
  7. Rocky Soaⁿ-me̍h
  8. Sahara Soa-bô͘ (Sahara Desert)

Thian-chai siu-kái

  1. Pang-seh (Avalanche)
  2. Tē-tāng (Earthquake)
  3. Chúi-chai (Flood)
  4. Ká-lê-á-hong (Tornado)
  5. Hái-tiòng (Tsunami)
  6. Hoé-soaⁿ (Volcano)

Tiat-ha̍k siu-kái

  1. Bí-ha̍k
    1. Bí-lē (Beauty)
  2. Lú-sèng-chú-gī (Feminism)
  3. Chai-bat (Knowledge)
  4. Chin-lí (Truth)
  5. Chûn-chāi (Existence)
  6. Jîn-tō-chú-gī (Humanism)
  7. Keng-giām (Experience)
  8. Lô-chek (Logic)
  9. Lûn-lí (Ethics)
  10. Si̍t-chèng-chú-gī (Positivism)
    1. Kho-ha̍k hong-hoat (Scientific method)
    2. Lô-chek si̍t-chèng-chú-gī (Logical positivism)
  11. Tiat-ha̍k (Philosophy)
    1. Tang-hong tiat-ha̍k (Eastern philosophy)
    2. Se-hong tiat-ha̍k (Western philosophy)
    3. Chong-kàu tiat-ha̍k
  12. Tō-tek (Morality)

Toān-kì siu-kái

Chèng-tī jîn-bu̍t, thâu-lâng, hôa-cho̍k siu-kái

  1. Akbar Tāi-tè (Akbar the Great)
  2. Alexander Tāi-tè (Alexander the Great)
  3. Kofi Annan (Kofi Annan)
  4. Kemal Atatürk (Kemal Atatürk)
  5. Attila the Hun (Attila the Hun)
  6. Caesar Augustus (Caesar Augustus)
  7. Hastings Kamuzu Banda (Hastings Kamuzu Banda)
  8. Benedictus 16-sè (Pope Benedict XVI)
  9. Silvio Berlusconi (Silvio Berlusconi)
  10. Otto von Bismarck (Otto von Bismarck)
  11. Tony Blair (Tony Blair)
  12. Simón Bolívar (Simón Bolívar)
  13. Napoléon Bonaparte (Napoléon Bonaparte)
  14. Lucrezia Borgia (Lucrezia Borgia)
  15. Gro Harlem Brundtland (Gro Harlem Brundtland)
  16. George W. Bush (George W. Bush)
  17. Fidel Castro (Fidel Castro)
  18. Úi-tāi ê Catherine (Catherine the Great), Lō·-se-a ê Cha-bó·-hông-tè
  19. Charlemagne (Charlemagne)
  20. Chû-hí Thài-hō· (Cixi) (Tse Hsi, Tz'u-hsi) (The Dowager Empress of China, 1835 - 1908)
  21. Jacques Chirac (Jacques Chirac)
  22. Winston Churchill (Winston Churchill)
  23. Cleopatra (Cleopatra)
  24. Princess Diana Spencer (Princess Diana Spencer)
  25. Indira Gandhi (Indira Gandhi)
  26. Úi-tāi ê Constantine (Constantine the Great)
  27. Liân-ha̍p Ông-kok ê tē I ê Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth I) (of England)
  28. Liân-ha̍p Ông-kok ê tē II ê Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth II) (of England)
  29. Franz Ferdinand (Franz Ferdinand)
  30. Charles de Gaulle (Charles de Gaulle)
  31. Mikhail Gorbachev (Mikhail Gorbachev)
  32. Hammurabi (Hammurabi)
  33. Hannibal (Hannibal)
  34. Chiau-hô Thian-hông (Hirohito, Emperor of Japan)
  35. Adolf Hitler (Adolf Hitler)
  36. Thomas Jefferson (Thomas Jefferson)
  37. Jio̍k-bōng Pó-lo̍k II (Pope John Paul II)
  38. Julius Caesar (Julius Caesar)
  39. Kaahumanu (Kaahumanu)
  40. Genghis Khan (Genghis Khan)
  41. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Lenin)
  42. Liliuokalani Cha-bó·-ông (Queen Liliuokalani)
  43. Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln)
  44. Makeda (Makeda), Queen of Sheba (Ethiopia)
  45. Nelson Mandela (Nelson Mandela)
  46. Mo· Te̍k-tong (Mao Tse-tung)
  47. Tang-kok ê Maria Theresa (Maria Theresa of Austria) (Sèng Lô-má Cha-bó·-hông-tè)
  48. Queen Mary I of Scotland (Queen Mary I of Scotland)
  49. Catherine de' Medici (Catherine de' Medici)
  50. Golda Meir (Golda Meir)
  51. Mahathir bin Mohamad (Mahathir bin Mohamad)
  52. Benito Mussolini (Benito Mussolini)
  53. Nefertiti (Nefertiti)
  54. Kwame Nkrumah (Kwame Nkrumah)
  55. Eva Perón (Eva Perón)
  56. Úi-tāi ê Peter (Peter the Great)
  57. Józef Piłsudski (Józef Piłsudski)
  58. Pol Pot (Pol Pot)
  59. Vladimir Putin (Vladimir Putin)
  60. Chîn-sí-hông (Qin Shi Huang)
  61. Eleanor Roosevelt (Eleanor Roosevelt)
  62. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Franklin Delano Roosevelt)
  63. Saladin (Saladin)
  64. Gerhard Schröder (Gerhard Schröder)
  65. Semiramis (Semiramis), Queen of Assyria
  66. Shaka Zulu (Shaka Zulu)
  67. Sitting Bull (Sitting Bull)
  68. Josef Stalin (Josef Stalin)
  69. Tamerlane (Tamerlane)
  70. Margaret Thatcher (Margaret Thatcher)
  71. Leon Trotsky (Leon Trotsky)
  72. Harry Truman (Harry Truman)
  73. Queen Victoria (Queen Victoria) (of the United Kingdom)
  74. Lech Wałęsa (Lech Wałęsa)
  75. George Washington (George Washington)
  76. Emperor Wilhelm II (Emperor Wilhelm II)
  77. Lí Kong-iāu (Lee Kuan Yew)
  78. Christian Michelsen (Christian Michelsen)
  79. Fridtjof Nansen (Fridtjof Nansen)

Chok-ka siu-kái

  1. Dante Alighieri (Dante Alighieri)
  2. Hans Christian Andersen (Hans Christian Andersen)
  3. Aristophanes (Aristophanes)
  4. Isaac Asimov (Isaac Asimov)
  5. Jane Austen (Jane Austen)
  6. Bertolt Brecht (Bertolt Brecht)
  7. Lord Byron (Lord Byron)
  8. Miguel de Cervantes (Miguel de Cervantes)
  9. Anton Chekhov (Anton Chekhov)
  10. Emily Dickinson (Emily Dickinson)
  11. Fyodor Dostoevsky (Fyodor Dostoevsky)
  12. Arthur Conan Doyle (Arthur Conan Doyle)
  13. Alexandre Dumas (Alexandre Dumas)
  14. F. Scott Fitzgerald (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
  15. Grimm Hiaⁿ-tī (Grimm Brothers)
  16. Dashiell Hammett (Dashiell Hammett)
  17. Nathaniel Hawthorne (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
  18. Ernest Hemingway (Ernest Hemingway)
  19. Hildegard von Bingen (Hildegard von Bingen)
  20. Homeros (Homer)
  21. Victor Hugo (Victor Hugo)
  22. Langston Hughes (Langston Hughes)
  23. Henrik Ibsen (Henrik Ibsen)
  24. James Joyce (James Joyce)
  25. Franz Kafka (Franz Kafka)
  26. Astrid Lindgren (Astrid Lindgren)
  27. Lí Pe̍k (Li Po)
  28. Thomas Mann (Thomas Mann)
  29. Matsuo Basho (Matsuo Basho)
  30. Edna St. Vincent Millay (Edna St. Vincent Millay)
  31. Arthur Miller (Arthur Miller)
  32. Molière (Moliere)
  33. Pablo Neruda (Pablo Neruda)
  34. Sylvia Plath (Sylvia Plath)
  35. Edgar Allan Poe (Edgar Allan Poe)
  36. Marcel Proust (Marcel Proust)
  37. Alexander Pushkin (Alexandr Pushkin)
  38. Rainer Maria Rilke (Rainer Maria Rilke)
  39. Carl Sandburg (Carl Sandburg)
  40. Sappho (Sappho)
  41. Jean-Paul Sartre (Jean-Paul Sartre)
  42. William Shakespeare (William Shakespeare)
  43. George Bernard Shaw (George Bernard Shaw)
  44. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)
  45. Murasaki Shikibu (Murasaki Shikibu)
  46. Sophocles (Sophocles)
  47. Robert Louis Stevenson (Robert Louis Stevenson)
  48. JRR Tolkien (JRR Tolkien)
  49. Leo Tolstoy (Leo Tolstoy)
  50. Tō͘ Hú (Tu Fu)
  51. Mark Twain (Mark Twain)
  52. Jules Verne (Jules Verne)
  53. Vergili (Virgil)
  54. H. G. Wells (H. G. Wells)
  55. Walt Whitman (Walt Whitman)
  56. Oscar Wilde (Oscar Wilde)
  57. WB Yeats (WB Yeats)
  58. Zeami (Zeami)

Gē-su̍t-ka siu-kái

  1. Michelangelo Buonarroti (Michelangelo Buonarroti)
  2. Paul Cézanne (Paul Cézanne)
  3. Vincent van Gogh (Vincent van Gogh)
  4. Katusika Hokusai (Katsushika Hokusai)
  5. Frida Kahlo (Frida Kahlo)
  6. Claude Monet (Claude Monet)
  7. Georgia O'Keeffe (Georgia O'Keefe)
  8. Pablo Picasso (Pablo Picasso)
  9. Jackson Pollock (Jackson Pollock)
  10. Nicolas Poussin (Nicolas Poussin)
  11. Rembrandt van Rijn (Rembrandt van Rijn)
  12. Auguste Rodin (Auguste Rodin)
  13. Rafael Sancho (Rafael Sancho)
  14. Andy Warhol (Andy Warhol)
  15. William Hogarth (William Hogarth)

Hoat-bêng-ka, kho-ha̍k-ka, sò·-ha̍k-ka siu-kái

  1. Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi (Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi)
  2. Archimedes (Archimedes)
  3. John Logie Baird (John Logie Baird)
  4. Alexander Graham Bell (Alexander Graham Bell)
  5. Carl Benz (Carl Benz)
  6. Tim Berners-Lee (Tim Berners-Lee)
  7. Niels Bohr (Niels Bohr)
  8. Tycho Brahe (Tycho Brahe)
  9. Rachel Carson (Rachel Carson)
  10. Nicolaus Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus)
  11. Marie Curie (Maria Skłodowska-Curie (Marie Curie (Maria Skłodowska-Curie))
  12. Charles Darwin (Charles Darwin)
  13. Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein)
  14. Thomas Alva Edison (Thomas Alva Edison)
  15. Leonhard Euler (Leonhard Euler)
  16. Enrico Fermi (Enrico Fermi)
  17. Richard Feynman (Richard Feynman)
  18. Alexander Fleming (Alexander Fleming)
  19. Henry Ford (Henry Ford)
  20. Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier)
  21. Sigmund Freud (Sigmund Freud)
  22. Buckminster Fuller (Buckminster Fuller)
  23. Kazimierz Funk (Kazimierz Funk)
  24. Galileo Galilei (Galileo Galilei)
  25. Bill Gates (Bill Gates)
  26. Karl Friedrich Gauss (Karl Friedrich Gauss)
  27. Kurt Gödel (Kurt Gödel)
  28. Johann Gutenberg (Johann Gutenberg)
  29. David Hilbert (David Hilbert)
  30. Christiaan Huygens (Huygens)
  31. Hypatia (Hypatia)
  32. Edward Jenner (Edward Jenner)
  33. Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs)
  34. Johannes Kepler (Johannes Kepler)
  35. John Maynard Keynes (John Maynard Keynes)
  36. Donald Knuth (Donald Knuth)
  37. Pierre-Simon Laplace (Pierre-Simon Laplace)
  38. Gottfried Leibniz (Gottfried Leibniz)
  39. Carolus Linnaeus (Carolus Linnaeus)
  40. Ignacy Łukasiewicz (Ignacy Łukasiewicz)
  41. James Clerk Maxwell (James Clerk Maxwell)
  42. Isaac Newton (Isaac Newton)
  43. Alfred Nobel (Alfred Nobel)
  44. Hans Christian Oersted (Hans Christian Oersted)
  45. Louis Pasteur (Louis Pasteur)
  46. Dennis Ritchie (Dennis Ritchie)
  47. Ole Christensen Roemer (Ole Christensen Roemer)
  48. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen)
  49. Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann)
  50. Ernest Rutherford (Ernest Rutherford)
  51. Richard Stallman (Richard Stallman)
  52. Nikola Tesla (Nikola Tesla)
  53. Thales (Thales)
  54. Linus Torvalds (Linus Torvalds)
  55. Alan Turing (Alan Turing)
  56. Leonardo Da Vinci (Leonardo Da Vinci)
  57. Wright hiaⁿ-tī (The Wright Brothers)

Ián-oân siu-kái

  1. Clara Bow (Clara Bow)
  2. Marlon Brando (Marlon Brando)
  3. Charlie Chaplin (Charlie Chaplin)
  4. Joan Crawford (Joan Crawford)
  5. James Dean (James Dean)
  6. Douglas Fairbanks (Douglas Fairbanks)
  7. Greta Garbo (Greta Garbo)
  8. Jean Harlow (Jean Harlow)
  9. Carole Lombard (Carole Lombard)
  10. Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe)
  11. Jack Pickford (Jack Pickford)
  12. Norma Shearer (Norma Shearer)
  13. Gloria Swanson (Gloria Swanson)
  14. John Wayne (John Wayne)
  15. John Cleese (John Cleese)
  16. Graham Chapman (Graham Chapman)
  17. Terry Gilliam (Terry Gilliam)
  18. Eric Idle (Eric Idle)
  19. Terry Jones (Terry Jones)
  20. Michael Palin (Michael Palin)

Im-ga̍k-ka siu-kái

  1. Au-chiu kó͘-tián im-ga̍k
    1. Johann Sebastian Bach (Johann Sebastian Bach)
    2. Ludwig van Beethoven (Ludwig van Beethoven)
    3. Hector Berlioz (Hector Berlioz)
    4. Johannes Brahms (Johannes Brahms)
    5. Fryderyk Chopin (Fryderyk Chopin)
    6. Claude Debussy (Claude Debussy)
    7. Antonín Dvořák (Antonín Dvořák)
    8. Edvard Hagerup Grieg (Edvard Hagerup Grieg)
    9. George Frideric Handel (George Frideric Handel)
    10. Joseph Haydn (Joseph Haydn)
    11. Gustav Mahler (Gustav Mahler)
    12. Felix Mendelssohn (Felix Mendelssohn)
    13. Claudio Monteverdi (Claudio Monteverdi)
    14. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
    15. Arnold Schönberg (Arnold Schönberg)
    16. Franz Schubert (Franz Schubert)
    17. Robert Schumann (Robert Schumann)
    18. Jean Sibelius (Jean Sibelius)
    19. Giuseppe Verdi (Giuseppe Verdi)
    20. Antonio Vivaldi (Antonio Vivaldi)
    21. Richard Wagner (Richard Wagner)
  2. Liû-hêng-koa
    1. The Beatles (The Beatles)
    2. Aretha Franklin (Aretha Franklin)
    3. Elvis Presley (Elvis Presley)
    4. The Rolling Stones (The Rolling Stones)

Kàm-tok kap pian-ke̍k-ka siu-kái

  1. Dorothy Arzner (Dorothy Arzner)
  2. Ingmar Bergman (Ingmar Bergman)
  3. Michael Curtiz (Michael Curtiz)
  4. Cecil B. DeMille (Cecil B. DeMille)
  5. Walt Disney (Walt Disney)
  6. Sergei Eisenstein (Sergei Eisenstein)
  7. John Ford (John Ford)
  8. D. W. Griffith (D. W. Griffith)
  9. Howard Hawks (Howard Hawks)
  10. Alfred Hitchcock (Alfred Hitchcock)
  11. Akira Kurosawa (Akira Kurosawa)
  12. Fritz Lang (Fritz Lang)
  13. Mitchell Leisen (Mitchell Leisen)
  14. George Lucas (George Lucas)
  15. Frances Marion (Frances Marion)
  16. Jean Renoir (Jean Renoir)
  17. Leni Riefenstahl (Leni Riefenstahl)
  18. Martin Scorsese (Martin Scorsese)
  19. Steven Spielberg (Steven Spielberg)

Kek-bēng-ka kap ūn-tōng-chiá siu-kái

  1. Joan of Arc (Joan of Arc)
  2. Mohandas Gandhi (Mohandas Gandhi)
  3. Emma Goldman (Emma Goldman)
  4. Che Guevara (Ernesto "Che" Guevara)
  5. Mary Harris (Mary Harris) (Mother Jones)
  6. Helen Keller (Helen Keller)
  7. Osama bin Laden (Osama bin Laden)
  8. Florence Nightingale (Florence Nightingale)
  9. Rosa Parks (Rosa Parks)
  10. Emilia Plater (Emilia Plater)
  11. Gavrilo Princip (Gavrilo Princip)
  12. Teresa Siu-lú (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
  13. Sojourner Truth (Sojourner Truth)
  14. Harriet Tubman (Harriet Tubman)
  15. Ô· Chì-bêng (Ho Chi Minh)

Siā-hōe-kho-ha̍k-ka (tiat-ha̍k-ka, keng-chè-ha̍k-ka, le̍k-sú-ha̍k-ka, su-sióng-ka) siu-kái

  1. Thomas Aquinas (Thomas Aquinas)
  2. Aristotle (Aristotle)
  3. Augustinus (Augustinus)
  4. Averroes (Averroes)
  5. Simone de Beauvoir (Simone de Beauvoir)
  6. Khóng-chú (Confucius)
  7. Rene Descartes (Rene Descartes)
  8. Ralph Waldo Emerson (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
  9. Edward Gibbon (Edward Gibbon)
  10. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
  11. Germaine Greer (Germaine Greer)
  12. Herodotus (Herodotus)
  13. Hegel (Hegel)
  14. Hippocrates (Hippocrates)
  15. Immanuel Kant (Immanuel Kant)
  16. Ló-chú (Lao Tzu)
  17. Martin Luther (Martin Luther)
  18. Rosa Luxemburg (Rosa Luxemburg)
  19. Soeren Kierkegaard (Soeren Kierkegaard)
  20. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)
  21. Karl Marx (Karl Marx)
  22. Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna)
  23. Friedrich Nietzsche (Friedrich Nietzsche)
  24. Tom Paine (Tom Paine)
  25. Plato (Plato)
  26. Pythagoras (Pythagoras)
  27. Su-má Chhian (Sima Qian)
  28. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
  29. Bertrand Russell (Bertrand Russell)
  30. Adam Smith (Adam Smith)
  31. Socrates (Socrates)
  32. Sun-chú (Sun Tzu)
  33. Voltaire (Voltaire)
  34. Max Weber (Max Weber)
  35. Emile Durkheim (Emile Durkheim)
  36. Michel Foucault (Michel Foucault)
  37. Stein Rokkan (Stein Rokkan)

Thàm-hiám-ka siu-kái

  1. Roald Amundsen (Roald Amundsen)
  2. Willem Barentz (Willem Barentz)
  3. Vitus Bering (Vitus Bering)
  4. Jacques Cartier (Jacques Cartier)
  5. Christopher Columbus (Christopher Columbus)
  6. James Cook (James Cook)
  7. Hernán Cortés (Hernán Cortés)
  8. Francis Drake (Francis Drake)
  9. Leif Eriksson (Leif Eriksson)
  10. Vasco da Gama (Vasco da Gama)
  11. Edmund Hillary (Edmund Hillary)
  12. Tenzing Norgay (Tenzing Norgay)
  13. Ferdinand Magellan (Ferdinand Magellan)
  14. Marco Polo (Marco Polo)
  15. Abel Tasman (Abel Tasman)
  16. Tēⁿ Hô (Zheng He)
  17. Neil Armstrong (Neil Armstrong)

Thé-io̍k ūn-tōng kap pí-sài siu-kái

  1. Ūn-tōng (Sports)
    1. Olympia Ūn-tōng-hōe (Olympics)
    2. Kha-kiû Sè-kài-poe (FIFA World Cup)
    3. Athletics (Athletics)
    4. Badminton (Badminton)
    5. Iá-kiû (Baseball)
    6. Nâ-kiû (Basketball)
    7. Cricket (Cricket)
    8. Fencing (Fencing)
    9. Peng-kiû (Ice hockey)
    10. Judo (Judo)
    11. Motor racing (Motor racing)
    12. Rugby (Rugby)
    13. Kha-kiû (Soccer)
    14. The-ní-suh (Tennis)
    15. Volleyball (Volleyball)
    16. Waterpolo (Waterpolo)
    17. Wrestling (Wrestling)
  2. Iû-hì (Game)
    1. Backgammon (Backgammon)
    2. Checkers (Checkers)
    3. Se-iûⁿ-kî (Chess)
    4. Ûi-kî/bûn-kî (Go)
    5. Mancala (Mancala)
    6. Bú-kî (Chinese Chess)
  3. Poa̍h-kiáu (Gambling)
  4. Formula One (Formula One)