tóng-àn:Bandera Provincia Carchi.svg

Choân kái-sek-tō͘ (SVG 檔案,表面大小:750 × 500 像素,檔案大小:660位元組)


Public domain 我,此作品的版權所有人,釋出此作品至公共領域。此授權條款在全世界均適用。

Walden69 17:38, 3 April 2006 (UTC)


Public domain According to the Ecuadorian Intellectual Property Law, the following documents are in the public domain and shall not benefit from the legal protection accorded to copyright:
  • (a) the ideas contained in works; procedures, methods of operation mathematical concepts as such; systems or the ideological or technical content of scientific works or the industrial or commercial exploitation thereof;
  • (b) legal and regulatory provisions, judicial decisions, and instruments, agreements, deliberations and rulings of public bodies, and also the official translations thereof.

Piau-sī miâ-sìnn Kâng-khuán hong-sik hun-hióng
Lí ē-sái tsū-iû:
  • hun-hióng – kho͘-pih, hoat-pò͘ kap thoân-pò͘ pún chok
  • tiông-sin siu-kái – kái-pian pún chok-phín
Àn i-hā ê tiâu-kiāⁿ
  • Piau-sī miâ-sìnn – Lí ài siá-bîng tsìng-khak ê miâ-hō, ū siū-khuân tiâu-khuán ê liân-kiat, iáu-koh-ū lí tsuè siánn-mih ê kái-piàn. Lí ē-tàng tī jīm-hô ha̍p-lí ê hong-sik tsìn-hîng, m̄-kò buē-tàng ti̍t-tsiap kóng siū-khuân hōo lí ia̍h-sī lí sú-iōng.
  • Kâng-khuán hong-sik hun-hióng – Lí nā kái-tōng, piàn-khoán, he̍k-chiá kun-kù pún chok chhòng-chō, lí kaⁿ-taⁿ ē-tàng ēng kap pún chok kâng-khoán he̍k-chiá saⁿ-chhiūⁿ ê hí-khó lâi hoat-pò͘ chò--chhut-lâi ê chok-phín.




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斷定方法 繁體中文: SHA-1 中文 (已轉換拼寫)

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660 Byte

高度 繁體中文

500 ōe-sò͘

寬度 繁體中文

750 ōe-sò͘

Tóng-àn le̍k-sú

Chhi̍h ji̍t-kî/sî-kan, khoàⁿ hit sî-chūn--ê tóng-àn.

hiān-chāi2012-nî 7-goe̍h 20-ji̍t (pài-gō·) 16:082012-nî 7-goe̍h 20-ji̍t (pài-gō·) 16:08 pán-pún ê suè-tôo750 × 500(660位元組)HansenBCNStandard colours, proportions. G, Y, R. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_4McwVBzBhs8/Sgr0YUmUysI/AAAAAAAAAFc/ox2MtS_X7HQ/s1600/PC310680.JPG
2012-nî 7-goe̍h 20-ji̍t (pài-gō·) 16:032012-nî 7-goe̍h 20-ji̍t (pài-gō·) 16:03 pán-pún ê suè-tôo750 × 500(660位元組)HansenBCNStandard colours, proportions. G, Y, R. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_4McwVBzBhs8/Sgr0YUmUysI/AAAAAAAAAFc/ox2MtS_X7HQ/s1600/PC310680.JPG
2011-nî 10-goe̍h 10-ji̍t (pài-it) 22:292011-nî 10-goe̍h 10-ji̍t (pài-it) 22:29 pán-pún ê suè-tôo900 × 600(287位元組)Alkaricode cleanup
2006-nî 4-goe̍h 3-ji̍t (pài-it) 17:382006-nî 4-goe̍h 3-ji̍t (pài-it) 17:38 pán-pún ê suè-tôo1,063 × 709(3 KB)Walden69Category:Banderes d'Equador{{PD-self}}—~~~~

Í-hā ê ia̍h liân kàu chit ê iáⁿ-siōng:

tóng-àn hō͘ lâng sái--ê chōng-hóng

Ē-kha--ê kî-thaⁿ wiki ēng tio̍h chit--ê tóng-àn:

Khuànn tsit-ê tóng-àn ê koh-khah-tsuē tsuân-i̍k sú-iōng.