(This tutorial contains some bad English, if you know any better way to say about any concept, feel free to tell me.)

setting up pywikibot


1. Install python on your computer if you haven't. (Here is some windows version, if you are using MacOS than it already have a python on it.)

2. Download pywikibot script. (Download and extract "core.tar.gz" to the location you prefered.) There are some dependencies for a full supported pywikibot but I think the scripts below don't need those dependencies.

3. Set up the configuration file core/user_config.py by typing "python pwb.py" in the command line (while browsing at the "core" folder), or just edit (or create) the file with the code below:

family = 'wikipedia' # your default family (wikipedia, commons, wiktionary...)
mylang = 'zh-min-nan' # your default site
usernames['wikipedia']['zh-min-nan'] = u'yourbotaccountname' # zh-min-nan account
usernames['wikidata']['wikidata'] = u'yourbotaccountname' # wikidata account

console_encoding = 'utf-8'

pywikibot for interwiki (sitelink)


4. Write your own sitelink bot and save it into core/scripts/<file_name_as_you_like.py>. Here I have a simple example:

import pywikibot

# Using English wikipedia to find the wikidata item.
site = pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia') 

# The page on English wikipedia that you want to add a zh-min-nan sitelink.
page = pywikibot.Page(site, 'yourtargetarticle') 

# Access the item on wikidata via English wikipedia (by the above information)
item = pywikibot.ItemPage.fromPage(page)

# Add a zh-min-nan sitelink on wikidata.
item.setSitelink(sitelink={'site': 'zh_min_nanwiki', 'title': 'yourtargetarticle'}, summary=u'Set sitelink')

5. Execute your sitelink bot by typing "python pwb.py file_name_as_you_like" in the command line.

mutiple article looping


(Haven't tried yet)

# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
import pywikibot

# Use a English wikipedia to find the wikidata item.
site = pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia') 

# Make a list (array) of articles (on en wikipedia) that you want sitelinks to be added. 
article_list_en = ['enarticletitle00', 'enarticletitle01', 'enarticletitle02']

# The counterpart list for zh-min-nan wikipedia.
article_list_nan = ['nanarticletitle00', 'nanarticletitle01', 'nanarticletitle02']

# (Here above are just manually set lists that with only 3 items. You may use some scripts to generate larger lists automatically.)

# The for loop according the lists above.
for i in range(len(article_list_en)):
    # The page on English wikipedia that you want to add a zh-min-nan sitelink.
    page = pywikibot.Page(site, article_list_en[i]) 
    # Access the item on wikidata via English wikipedia (by the above information)
    item = pywikibot.ItemPage.fromPage(page)

    # Add a zh-min-nan sitelink on wikidata.
    item.setSitelink(sitelink={'site': 'zh_min_nanwiki', 'title': article_list_nan[i]}, summary=u'Set sitelink')

#or use dictionary:

article_dictionary = {
   'enarticletitle00': 'nanarticletitle00',
   'enarticletitle01': 'nanarticletitle01',
   'enarticletitle02': 'nanarticletitle02'

for key in article_dictionary:
    # The page on English wikipedia that you want to add a zh-min-nan sitelink.
    page = pywikibot.Page(site, key) 
    # Access the item on wikidata via English wikipedia (by the above information)
    item = pywikibot.ItemPage.fromPage(page)

    # Add a zh-min-nan sitelink on wikidata.
    item.setSitelink(sitelink={'site': 'zh_min_nanwiki', 'title': article_dictionary[key]}, summary=u'Set sitelink')