Iōng-chiá:Pektiong/Pe̍h-oē-jī Chiàⁿ-jī-hoat

Pe̍h-oē-jī siu-kái

BNF for POJ-Holo (non-standard BNF with regex connotations)
  < POJ>      := <H-RULE> | <M-RULE> | <N-RULE> | <CVC-RULE>
 <H-RULE>   := h <VC-RULE> | hm | hmh | hng        # tone on m in hm*, ng on hng
 <M-RULE>   := m <VC-RULE> | mh                    # tone on m in mh
 <N-RULE>   := n <VC-RULE> | ng | nng              # tone on ng in ng and nng
 <SIANN-BU> := any of {b, l, p, ph, t, th, k, kh, ch, chh, s}
               # m, n in m/n-rules

                               '     '  '  '  '   '  '  ' '  '   '   '
 <VOWEL>    := any of {a,e,i,o,ou,u,ia,io,iou,iu,oa,oe,ui,ai,au,oai,iau}
               # we must allow tone override here
 <ENDING>   := any of {h, nn, m, n, ng, p, t, k}

  # These are part of the normalization process, which should be an option
  # ie. if user turns off normalization, s/he can produce whatever s/he wants
  # vowel toning rules (precedence of toned vowel)
  # a>ou>e>o>i>u
  # toning rules
  # {hm, hng, ng, nng} -> 1,2,3,5,7
  # {hmh} -> 4, 8
  # <VOWEL>,nn,m,n,ng -> 1,2,3,5,7
  # <VOWEL> + any of {h,p,t,k} -> 4,8
  # if none -> tone 1

  # simplification rule
  # ioun -> ion
  # nasalization rule: nn omitted as vowel is always nasalized in this case
  # {m|n|ng} + vowel + nn -> {m|n|ng} + vowee
# POJ={siann-bu}+{un-bu}+{un-be}, {un-be}={{open un-be},{closed un-be}}
# POJ={{},p,ph,m,t,th,n,k,kh,ng,h,ch,chh,s}+{ng}+{{},h}
# POJ={{},h}+{m}+{{},h}

# {siann-bu}={{},p,ph,m,b,t,th,n,l,k,kh,ng,g,h,ch,chh,j,s}
# {un-bu}={a,e,i,o,ou,u,ia,io,iou,iu,oa,oe,ui,ai,au,oai,iau}
# {open un-be}={{},h,nn}
# {closed un-be}={m,n,ng,p,t,k}

# {m,n,ng}+{un-bu}+{nn} ==> {m,ng,ng}+{un-bu}+{{}}
# {ou}+{closed un-be} ==> {o}+{closed un-be}
# {ou}+{open un-be}  !==> {o}+{open un-be}

# {iou}+{closed un-be} ==> {io}+{closed un-be}
# {iou}+{open un-be} ==> illegal
a e i o u
a ái, āiⁿ áu
e éi
i iá, iáu, iáⁿ, iauⁿ
o óu
oá, oái
u úi

Hanyu Pinyin siu-kái

The rules for determining on which vowel the tone mark appears are as follows:

  1. If there is more than one vowel and the first vowel is i, u, or ü, then the tone mark appears on the second vowel.
  2. In all other cases, the tone mark appears on the first vowel

(y and w are not considered vowels for these rules.) The reasoning behind these rules is in the case of diphthongs and triphthongs, i, u, and ü (and their orthographic equivalents y and w when there is no initial consonant) are considered medial glides rather than part of the syllable nucleus in Chinese phonology. The rules ensure that the tone mark always appears on the nucleus of a syllable.

a e i o u ü
a ái áo
e éi
i iá, iáo
o óu
u uá, uái
ü üé

Vietnamese siu-kái

a ă â e ê i/y o ô ơ u ư
a ái/ay áo au
â ây âu
e eo
ê êu
i/y ia/ya iê/yê, iêu/yêu iu
o oi
ơ ơi ơu
u ua ui uô, uôi
ư ưa ưi ươ, ươi,ươu ưu

ref siu-kái
