Chek-thé tiān-lō͘ (Eng-gí: integrated circuit, ì-sù: "chéng-ha̍p ê tiān-lō͘", kán-lio̍k IC), he̍k-chiá kóng bî-tiān-lō͘ (microcircuit), bî-cheng-phìⁿ (microchip), cheng-phìⁿ (chip), tī tiān-chú-ha̍k tiong sī chi̍t chióng kā tiān-lō͘ (chú-iàu sī pòaⁿ-tō-thé chong-tì, lēng-gōa mā pau-koat pī-tōng goân-kiāⁿ téng) chi̍p-tiong chè-chō tī pòaⁿ-tō-thé cheng-îⁿ piáu-bīn siōng ê sió-hêng-hòa hong-sek.

A microscope image of an integrated circuit die used to control LCDs. The pinouts are the black circles surrounding the integrated circuit.

Guā-pōo liân-kiat
