Ngá-tián ê Irene (Hi-lia̍p-gí: Ἐιρήνη ἡ Ἀθηναία, 752 nî  – 803 nî 8 goe̍h 9 ji̍t) sī Byzantine ê thóng-tī-chiá, mā sī Hi-lia̍p Tang-chèng-kàu Kàu-hōe ê sèng-jîn. I khoe-ho̍k liáu Tang Lô-má Tè-kok tùi sèng-siōng (ngó͘-siōng) ê sú-iōng.

Lô-má chîⁿ-gûn Solidus téng ê Irene siōng.

Chham-khó siu-kái

  • Kathleen Kuiper, pian. (2010). "Irene". Britannica Guide to the World's Most Influential People : 100 Most Influential Women of All Time. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.