Pang-bô͘:Provinces of the Netherlands

Choáⁿ-iūⁿ khòng-chè chit pang-bô͘ ê hián-sī chōng-thài

Ēng |state=collapsed sái chit pang-bô͘ hián-sī liap (ng) chōng-thài, e.g. {{Provinces of the Netherlands |state=collapsed}}
Ēng |state=expanded sái chit pang-bô͘ hián-sī thí (hián-sī) chōng-thài, e.g. {{Provinces of the Netherlands |state=expanded}}
Ēng |state=autocollapse sái chit pang-bô͘ chí tī bûn-chiuⁿ siōng ū kî-thaⁿ kāng-khoán lūi-hêng ê pang-bô͘ sî, hián-sī liap chōng-thài, e.g. {{Provinces of the Netherlands |state=autocollapse}}

Tû-hui pa̍t-ū siat-tēng (Chhiáⁿ kiàn pang-bô͘ tāi-bé ê |state= chham-sò͘), be̍k-jīn chōng-thài sī autocollapse.