Roketsan kong-si (ing-gú: Roketsan Roket Sanayii ve Ticaret A.S.) sī tsi̍t-king khiā-tī Türkiye Ankara tsú-iàu ê Turkiye bú-khì tsè-tsō-siong hām kok-hông sîng-pau-siong. Tsit-king kong-si tī 1988-nî iû Turkiye kok-hông kang-gia̍p tsip-hîng uí-uân-huē (SSİK) sóo sîng-li̍p, tsong-tsí sī teh kiàn-li̍p Turkiye ê tō-tān ki-su̍t kang-gia̍p ki-tē, lî-tshiánn tsit-king kong-si tsiânn-kín tsiânn-tsò Turkiye 500 kiông ê kang-gia̍p kong-si tsi-it.

Roketsan A.Ş.
Hîng-thài Kóo-hūn iú-hān kong-si [en]
Hâng-gia̍p Kun-hué kang-gia̍p [en]
Tshòng-kiàn nî 1988, Ankara
Líng-tō jîn-bu̍t
Murat Ikinci
(Tsóng king-lí [en])
Ho̍k-bū sán-phín Rockets
Cruise missiles
Peripheral test
Simulation systems
Revenue Increase 2,009,266,179 (2018)[2]
Guān-káng jîn-sòo
3400 (2021)[3]
Teber 81 Bomb Guidance Kit
Smart Micro Munition (MAM-L) platform with low payload capacity, e.g. unmanned aerial vehicles
FIM-92 Stingers made under license by Roketsan
Precision guidance kit HGK-84, penetrator bomb NEB-84 and laser seeker LAB of Roketsan

Roketsan bo̍k-tsiân ê kóo-tong pau-kuat Turkiy bú-tsong pōo-tuī ki-kim-huē (55.5%), ASELSAN kong-si [en] (15%), MKE kong-si [en] (15%), Vakıflar Bankası (10%), HAVELSAN kong-si [en] (4.5%)[4] Roketsan í-kî tsióng-luī ka-ia̍h ê tsè-tō hām hui-tsè-tō hué-tsìnn í-ki̍p Bora, Atmaca, Cirit, UMTAS kah OMTAS tíng-tíng ttān jî-lâi tshut-miâ. Tsit-king kong-si iah-koh uī Stinger, Rapier kah ESSM tō-tān sing-sán tsí-hē-thóng, pīng-tshiánn uī kî-thann tsong-ha̍p bîn-iōng hām kun-iōng pênn-tâi thê-kiong ki-su̍t kah kang-tîng kái-kuat hong-àn. Tsuè-kīn ê huat-tián thu̍t-tshut iōng teh bô-jîn-ki ê sió ti̍t-kìng tsing-khak tá-kik tsà-tuânn.

Roketsan sī uî-it tsi̍t-king teh i-ê sóo-iú siat-kè kah khai-huat kuè-tîng tang-tiong hi̍k-ti̍k CMMI/DEV 3 (lîng-li̍k sîng-si̍k-tōo bōo-hn̂g tsi̍p-sîng - khai-huat) phue-tsún ê Türkiye kong-si.[5]

Teh “Kok-hông sin-bûn” siōng-ū kè-ta̍t ê kok-hông kang-gia̍p kong-si pâi-hâng-pńg tang-tiong, Roketsan kong-si tī 2018-nî hām 2019-nî hun-pia̍t pâi-miâ tē 96 uī kah tē 89 uī.[6] Tī 2020-nî pâi-miâ tē 91 uī.[7]

Roketsan kong-si mā-sī Teknofest hâng-khong ú-hâng hām ki-su̍t tsiat-ji̍t ê tsoo-tsit tsi-it.[8]



Roketsan kong-si tī 2013-nnî tshiam-tīng ha̍p-tông kiàn-siat kok-ka UFS hâng-thian huat-siā hē-thóng kè-uē.[9] 2013-nî, Türkiye tsìng-hú phue-tsún iû Roketsan kong-si kiàn-tsō tē-1 ê uē-tshenn huat-siā tiong-sim.[10] Tī 2020-nî 8-gue̍h, Roketsan kong-si uē-tshenn huat-siā, thài-khong hē-thóng kah sian-tsìn ki-su̍t gián-kiú tiong-sim sîng-li̍p.[11]

Kin-kì kok-hông kang-gia̍p tsóng-tshâi İsmail Demir kóng, tī 2021-nî 6-gue̍h 29-ji̍t, Türkiye hām Bangladesh tsìng-hú tshiam-sú tsi̍t-hūn kok-hông liōng-kái pī-bông-lio̍k, kā Roketsan kong-si ê sán-phín tshut-kháu kàu Bangladesh.[12] Roketsan kong-si í-king tī 2021-nî 6-gue̍h thong-kuè līng-guā tsi̍t-hāng kau-i̍k hiòng Bangladesh lio̍k-kun kau-hù TRG-300 hóo sik to-kuán hue-tsîm-phàu.[13] Teh tsiap–lo̍h-lâi ê kui-nî lāi, Bangladesh tio̍h tsiânn-tsò Türkiye hām Roketsan kong-si siōng-tuā ê kok-hông siat-pī kheh-hōo tsi-it. Tī 2021-gue̍h 10-gue̍h, Bangladesh lio̍k-kun tsiap-siu tē-2 phi TRG-300 hóo sik tō-tān hē-thóng.[14]


Cruise missile SOM-J at the Roketsan stand at IDEF 2015
Artillery rockets TR-107, TR-122 and TR-300 at the Roketsan stand at IDEF 2015
Medium range anti-tank missile OMTAS at the Roketsan stand at IDEF 2015
Anti-submarine warfare launcher system ASW at the Roketsan stand at IDEF 2015
Tē-bīn hē-thóng [en]
Bîng-tshing Luī-hîng Huān-uî
Base Bleed Unit (DYÜ)[15] Phàu-tuâñ tsing-tîng-khì +%30
TRGK-30 [en][16] Tsè-tō thò-kiānn 40–90 km
Hué-tshinn-phàu [en][17] Hué-tshinn-phàu [en] TR-107 : 3–11+ km

TR-122 : 16–36 km TRB-122 :16–36 km

T-122 Sakarya [en] To-kuán hué-tshinn-phàu [en] 16–40 km
T-107 [en] To-kuán hué-tshinn-phàu [en] 3–40 km
Multi Caliber Rocket Launcher MCL[18] To-kuán hué-tshinn-phàu 10–280 km
TRG-300[19] Tsè-tō hué-tshinn-phàu Block I: 30–120 km

Block II: 20–90 km

TRG-122[20] Tsè-tō hué-tshinn-phàu 13–30 km
TRLG-122[21] Laser tsè-tō hué-tshinn-phàu 13–30 km
TRG-230[22] Tsè-tō hué-tshinn-phàu 20–70 km
TRLG-230[23] Laser tsè-tō hué-tshinn-phàu 20–70 or 150 km
J-600T Yıldırım Tān-tō tō-tān [en] Block l: 150 km

Block ll: 300 km Block lll: 900 km Block lV: 2500 km

Bora (missile) Tān-tō tō-tān [en] 80–280 km
Tui-khong tsiàn [en]
Bîng-tshing Luī-hîng Huān-uî
ALKA Directed Energy Weapon System (YESS)[24] Tīng-hiòng lîng-liōng bú-khì hē-thóng [en] Laser: 500 m

Electromagnetic Destruction System (ETS): 1.000 m Electromagnetic Jamming System (EKS): 4.000 m

Hisar-A Air Defense Missile System 2–15 km
Hisar-O Air Defense Missile System 3–25 km
Hisar-U (SİPER) Air Defense Missile System 30–150 km
PorSav[25][26][27] MANPAD 4 km -6 km+[28]

(Also mounted on BMC Vuran vehicle integrated with Sungur Mobile air defense missile system)

Sungur MANPAD 500 m–8 km
Licensed production of FIM-92 Stingers[29] MANPAD 4.8 km+
Hái-kun hē-thóng [en]
Bîng-tshing Luī-hîng Huān-uî
Anti-submarine warfare launcher system ASW[30] Tshàng-kàm hông-gū hué-tsìñ Laser: 500–2.000 m
Atmaca Long Range Anti-ship missile > 250 km
Çakır Medium range Anti-ship missile 150+ km
AKYA 533mm[31] Heavy Torpedo 50 km range[32]
Roketsan ORKA 324 mm[33][34][35][36] Lightweight Torpedo 25 km range[37]
HIZIR[38] Torpedo Countermeasure System Aselsan joint production
TORK[39] Anti-Torpedo Aselsan joint production
ZOKA[40] Acoustic torpedo countermeasure jammers and decoys Aselsan joint production
Tsing-khak tsè-tō tō-tān [en]
Bîng-tshing Luī-hîng Huān-uî
Roketsan Cirit Laser Guided Anti-Tank Missile 1.5 – 8 km
Roketsan TANOK 120mm[41] Laser Guided Anti-Tank Missile 1–6 km
Roketsan KARAOK 125mm[42] Fire-and-forget Anti-Tank Missile 2,500 m
Roketsan CİDA 90mm[43] Guided missile 50–750 m
Roketsan YATAĞAN 40 mm[44] Laser-guided miniature missile system 1,000 m
KARA ATMACA[45] Surface-to-Surface Cruise Missile 280 km
SOM A Air-to-Surface Cruise Missile 250 km
SOM B1 and B2 Air-to-Surface Cruise Missile 250 km
SOM J Air-to-Surface Cruise Missile 275 km
UMTAS 160 mm Long range anti-tank missile system 500–8,000 m
L-UMTAS 160 mm Laser-guided long range anti-tank missile system 500–8,000 m
OMTAS 160 mm[46] Medium range anti-tank missile system 200–4.000 m
Tsing-khak tsè-tō tân-io̍h [en]
Bîng-tshing Luī-hîng Huān-uî
Roketsan TEBER[47] Laser Guidance Kit 2–28 km
MAM-C high explosive variant Laser-Guided UAV Bomb 8 km
MAM-L thermobaric variant Laser-Guided UAV Bomb 8 km
MAM-T GPS/INS Guided variant[48][49] Laser-Guided UCAV Bomb 30 km launched from UCAVs

60 km launched from Ground attack aircraft

90 km launched from Multirole combat aircraft[50]

Tān-tō pó-hōo hē-thóng
Bîng-tshing Luī-hîng Siū pó-hōo ê tān-io̍h luī-hîng
RZK-7[51] Composite Armor Blocks Shrapnel - Mortar shell
RZK-10[52] Areal Protection System Shrapnel - Mortar shell
RZB-20/20B Areal Protection System Light weapons, Shrapnel and High explosives
ROKETSAN Ballistic Protection Center (BPC)[53] Ballistic Protection System Maximum protection against anti-tank missiles and RPG-type threats
Ìn-sìn [en] hē-thóng
Bîng-tshing Luī-hîng Ūn-tsok hē-thóng
107 mm Hué-tsìnn-phàu Tsōng-kik sik, tsing-tsún/iân-tî
122 mm Hué-tsìnn-phàu Tsōng-kik sik, tsing-tsún/iân-tî
122 mm Kīn-tsà hué-tsìnn-phuà/tō-tān ìn-sìn Hué-tsìnn-phàu Tsōng-kik sik, sî-kan (0-200 s) kīn-tsiap kū-lî (1–15 m)
300 mm Kīn-tsà hué-tsìnn-phuà/tō-tān ìn-sìn Hué-tsìnn-phàu Tsōng-kik sik, sî-kan (0-200 s) kīn-tsiap kū-lî (1–15 m)
20 mm M56 (M505 A3) tân-io̍h ìn-sìn Tân-io̍h ìn-sìn Tsōng-kik sik
Ú-hâng kè-uē [en]
Bîng-tshing Luī-hîng Siông-tsîng
Thài-khong huat-siā hē-thóng (Türkiye) [en] Uē-tshenn huat-siā [en] The Micro-Satellite Launching System (MSLS)[54]


  • Tân-io̍h tshú-lí siat-si (Munition Disposal Facility (MAAT))
  • Air Bag Project “Booster Bag” used in airbag systems by ARC Automotive Company /U.S.A.produced by ROKETSAN.
  • Tân-io̍h kàm-tshik siat-si (Ammunition Surveillance Facility (MIGYEM))
  • Thài-khong hē-thóng kah sian-tsìn ki-su̍t gián-kiú tiong-sim (Space Systems and Advanced Technologies Research Center)


  1. Roketsan Roket Sanayii ve Ticaret A.Ş., (2012). "Üretim Yeteneklerimiz" (ēng Thó͘-ní-kî-gí). goân-loē-iông tī 23 January 2015 hőng khó͘-pih. 11 November 2012 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  2. "Roketsan Olagan Genel Kurul Toplantisi" [Roketsan regular corporate board meeting]. Roketsan (ēng Thó͘-ní-kî-gí). 1 (15): 72. July 2019. ISSN 1302-1435. 
  3. "1.800'den fazlası mühendis olmak üzere 3.400 kişiye ulaşan çalışma arkadaşlarımız ile Türkiye'nin en büyük teknoloji ordusu olmayı hedefleyerek yolumuza devam ediyoruz" (ēng Thó͘-ní-kî-gí). 2021. 16 August 2021 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  4. "Participations « Roketsan". 2016-05-23 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  5. "Janes | Latest defence and security news". 
  6. "Top 100 | Defense News, News about defense programs, business, and technology". 2022-06-16 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  7. "Top 100 | Defense News, News about defense programs, business, and technology". 2022-06-16 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  8. "Teknofest İstanbul | Düzenleyici Kuruluşlar". 2019-09-25. goân-loē-iông tī 2019-09-25 hőng khó͘-pih. 2021-02-01 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  9. "Space Launch System Project". Undersecretariat for Defence Industries. goân-loē-iông tī 2013-12-20 hőng khó͘-pih. 2013-12-20 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  10. Burak Ege Bekdil (28 July 2013). "Turkey's Sat-Launcher Plans Raise Concerns". DefenseNews. Gannett. goân-loē-iông tī August 30, 2013 hőng khó͘-pih. 30 August 2013 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  11. "Roketsan Uydu Fırlatma, Uzay Sistemleri ve İleri Teknolojiler Araştırma Merkezi Açılışı" (ēng Thó͘-ní-kî-gí). Milli Savunma. 30 August 2020. 31 August 2020 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  12. "Roketsan Bangladeş'e ihracat yapacak" [Roketsan will export to Bangladesh] (ēng Thó͘-ní-kî-gí). Anadolu Agency. 29 June 2021. 1 July 2021 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  13. "PM includes 'Tiger Multiple Launch Rocket System' in Bangladesh Army". The Daily Star. 2021-06-21. 2021-07-01 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  14. Alemdar, Ahmet (2021-10-13). "Bangladeş Ordusuna TRG-230 ve TRG-300 füze sistemleri teslim edildi". DefenceTurk (ēng Thó͘-ní-kî-gí). 2022-03-01 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  15. "dyü roketsan" (PDF). goân-loē-iông (PDF) tī 12 July 2021 hőng khó͘-pih. 
  16. "TRGK-300 GUIDANCE KIT – Roketsan". goân-loē-iông tī 5 March 2021 hőng khó͘-pih. 2022-03-27 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  17. "ARTILLERY ROCKETS – Roketsan". goân-loē-iông tī 30 January 2021 hőng khó͘-pih. 2022-03-27 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  18. "MCL (MULTI-CALIBER LAUNCHER) WEAPON SYSTEM – Roketsan". 2021-01-25 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  19. "TRG-300 TIGER Missile – Roketsan". 2022-03-27 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  20. "TRG-122 Guided Rocket – Roketsan". 2022-03-27 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  21. "TRLG-122 Laser Guided Rocket – Roketsan". 2022-03-27 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  22. "TRG-230 Missile – Roketsan". 2022-03-27 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  23. "TRLG-230 Laser Missile – Roketsan". 2022-03-27 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  24. "ALKA DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON SYSTEM – Roketsan". 2022-03-27 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  25. "Turkey to replace Stinger MANPADS with local PorSav Very Low Altitude Air Defense Missile | May 2020 News Defense Global Security army industry | Defense Security global news industry army 2020 | Archive News year". 2021-01-25 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  26. Kolukısa, Hasan (2020-08-30). "SUNGUR'da PorSav hava savunma füzeleri görüldü". DefenceTurk (ēng Thó͘-ní-kî-gí). 2021-01-25 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  27. "Delivery of PorSav Very Low Altitude Air Defense Missile Starts". RayHaber | RaillyNews (ēng Eng-gí). 2020-05-08. 2021-01-25 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  28. "SUNGUR Low Level Air Defense System is Ready to Enter Service!". 2021-01-25 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  29. "Roketsan Official Web Site". 2009-01-01. goân-loē-iông tī 2009-01-01 hőng khó͘-pih. 2021-01-25 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  30. "Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Rocket and Launcher System – Roketsan". 2022-03-27 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  31. "First Deliveries of Domestic Anti-Ship Missile ATMACA and Domestic Torpedo AKYA in 2021". RayHaber | RaillyNews (ēng Eng-gí). 2021-01-13. 2021-02-01 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  32. "AKYA Ağır Sınıf Torpido'nun Menzili 50+ KM'ye Ulaştı" (ēng Thó͘-ní-kî-gí). 2021-08-16. 2021-08-21 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  33. "Roketsan ORKA denizlere iniyor". Yeni Çağ Gazetesi (ēng Thó͘-ní-kî-gí). 2020-12-28. 2021-03-31 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  34. "Roketsan ORKA Lightweight Torpedo is coming for Blue Homeland | Turkish Defence News" (ēng Eng-gí). 2021-03-31 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  35. SABAH, DAILY (2020-12-27). "Turkey launches lightweight torpedo project". Daily Sabah (ēng Eng-gí). 2021-03-31 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  36. "ROKETSAN'ın "Orka"sı Denizlerin En Tehlikelisi Olacak". Savunma Sanayi (ēng Thó͘-ní-kî-gí). 2020-12-27. 2021-03-31 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  37. Haber, T. R. "Milli torpido AKYA'nın menzili belli oldu". (ēng Thó͘-ní-kî-gí). goân-loē-iông tī 2021-08-21 hőng khó͘-pih. 2021-08-21 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  38. "HIZIR - Torpedo Countermeasure System for Surface Ships | ASELSAN". 2021-04-12 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  39. "TORK - Anti-Torpedo Torpedo | ASELSAN". 2021-04-12 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  40. "ZOKA - Acoustic Torpedo Countermeasure Jammers and Decoys | ASELSAN". 2021-04-12 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  41. "TANOK 120 MM LASER GUIDED MISSILE – Roketsan". 2022-03-27 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  43. "roketsan cida infosheet" (PDF). 
  44. "YATAĞAN® LASER GUIDED MINIATURE MISSILE SYSTEM – Roketsan". goân-loē-iông tī 1 February 2021 hőng khó͘-pih. 2022-03-27 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  45. "KARA ATMACA Surface-To-Surface Cruise Missile – Roketsan". 2022-03-27 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  46. "OMTAS Medium Range Anti-Tank Weapon System – Roketsan". 2022-03-27 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  47. "TEBER LASER GUIDANCE KIT – Roketsan". 2021-01-25 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  48. "AKINCI fired its first shot with the new ammunition MAM-T". 2021-04-22. 
  49. "Göklerde özgürlüğün yeni üyesi: MAM-T! 🚀 🇹🇷 #MAMT #Roketsan @SavunmaSanayii @Baykar_Savunma". Twitter. Roketsan. 22 April 2021 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  50. "AKINCI ilk atışını yeni mühimmat MAM-T ile gerçekleştirdi" (ēng Thó͘-ní-kî-gí). 2021-04-22. 2021-04-22 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  51. "rzk-7 infosheet" (PDF). 
  52. "Force Protection Systems (RZP-10) – Roketsan". 2021-01-25 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  53. "Infosheet BPC ROKETSAN" (PDF). 
  54. "Micro-Satellite Launching System – Roketsan". 2021-01-25 khòaⁿ--ê. 



Guā-pōo liân-kiat


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