"Iōng-chiá:Pektiong/Pe̍h-oē-jī Chiàⁿ-jī-hoat" pán-pún chi-kan bô-kāng--ê tē-hng

刪去的內容 新增的內容
Pektiongthó-lūn | kòng-hiàn
Pektiongthó-lūn | kòng-hiàn
Tē 19 chōa:
<ENDING> := any of {h, nn, m, n, ng, p, t, k}
# These are part of the normalization process, which should be an option
# ie. if user turns off normalization, s/he can produce whatever s/he wants
# vowel toning rules (precedence of toned vowel)
# a>ou>e>o>i>u
# toning rules
# {hm, hng, ng, nng} -> 1,2,3,5,7
# {hmh} -> 4, 8
# <VOWEL>,nn,m,n,ng -> 1,2,3,5,7
# <VOWEL> + any of {h,p,t,k} -> 4,8
# if none -> tone 1
# simplification rule
# ioun -> ion
# nasalization rule: nn omitted as vowel is always nasalized in this case
# {m|n|ng} + vowel + nn -> {m|n|ng} + vowee
# POJ={siann-bu}+{un-bu}+{un-be}, {un-be}={{open un-be},{closed un-be}}
# POJ={{},p,ph,m,t,th,n,k,kh,ng,h,ch,chh,s}+{ng}+{{},h}
# POJ={{},h}+{m}+{{},h}
# {siann-bu}={{},p,ph,m,b,t,th,n,l,k,kh,ng,g,h,ch,chh,j,s}
# {un-bu}={a,e,i,o,ou,u,ia,io,iou,iu,oa,oe,ui,ai,au,oai,iau}
# {open un-be}={{},h,nn}
# {closed un-be}={m,n,ng,p,t,k}
# {m,n,ng}+{un-bu}+{nn} ==> {m,ng,ng}+{un-bu}+{{}}
# {ou}+{closed un-be} ==> {o}+{closed un-be}
# {ou}+{open un-be} !==> {o}+{open un-be}
# {iou}+{closed un-be} ==> {io}+{closed un-be}
# {iou}+{open un-be} ==> illegal