"Lô-má Tè-kok" pán-pún chi-kan bô-kāng--ê tē-hng

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[[File:Map of the Roman Empire at its height.svg|thumb|right|'''Lô-má Tè-kok''' tng heng ê léng-thó͘]]
{{Commonscat|Roman Empire|Lô-má Tè-kok}}
'''Lô-má Tè-kok'''/'''Roma Tè-kok''' ([[-30 nî]] khai-sí) sī tùi [[Caesar Augustus]] ([[hông-tè]]; mā kiò [[Octavian]]) khai-sí, kó·-chá-sî tī [[Roma]] kap hū-kīn ê tè-kok; ū kòe kúi-nā [[pah-tang]]. Āu-lâi hun-chòe 2 pêng: [[Se Roma Tè-kok]] tī [[476 nî]] hong bia̍t-bô; [[Tang Roma Tè-kok]] (hú-siâⁿ tī [[Byzantium]], taⁿ kiò-chòe [[Istanbul]]) tī [[1453 nî]] hōng bia̍t-bô.
[[File:Roman Empire Map.png|Roman Empire Map.png|500px|center]]