Commonwealth kap Commonwealth of Nations áng-chóaⁿ hoan-e̍k chiá-hó?

  • Commonwealth = kok, pang?
  • Commonwealth of Nations = Eng-liân-pang? (Hôa-gí kap Ji̍t-gí lóng án-ne hoan)

Chhéng-kàu tāi-ke. --Chùn-hiàn 16:39, 1 6g 2005 (UTC)

Oxford English Dictionary kóng: republic, [ad. F. république or L. rēspublica (abl. rēpublicā), f. rēs thing, affair + publicus PUBLIC a.] 1. The state, the common weal. Obs.
Só-í 'commonwealth' = 'republic' = 'kiōng-hô-kok' = 'kong-ke ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ/hūn-gia̍h/khang-khoè/tāi-chì'. – Kaihsu 16:56, 1 6g 2005 (UTC)
Commonwealth hit phiⁿ ū lia̍t ē-kha chiah-ê lē:
Chit-ê thó-lūn hoān-sè ē-sái poaⁿ khì Wikipedia_talk:Wiki-sū-kang kok-ka.
A-giâu 09:50, 2 6g 2005 (UTC)
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