"Hêng-chèng" pán-pún chi-kan bô-kāng--ê tē-hng

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chham-khó simple en.
Taokarathó-lūn | kòng-hiàn
Tē 3 chōa:
Tī chin chē kok-ka lāi-té, kiàn kóng-tio̍h "chèng-hú", tō sī teh chí hêng-chèng pō͘-mn̂g, chóng--sī chit-ê iōng-hoat tī kok kap kok chò pí-kàu ê sī, bē-bián-tit ē éng-khí khùn-jiáu. Kin-kì sam-koân hun-li̍p ê goân-chek, hêng-chèng-koân bē-sái chè-tēng [[hoat-lu̍t]] (li̍p-hoat-koân), mā bô chu-keh khì chò hoat-lu̍t ê kái-soeh (su-hoat-koân), hêng-chèng-koân kan-taⁿ ū chip-hêng hoat-lu̍t ê koân. Si̍t-bū-siōng sam-koân hun-li̍p tī chiaⁿ chē kok-ka pēng bō chiat kah chin chám-choe̍h, khah cheng-chó͘ thang jīn-chhut hêng-chèng-koân ê siōng-teng, sī hêng-chèng-koân ê toā-thâu-lâng, chit-ê thâu-lâng, í [[chóng-thóng-chè]] ê kok-ka lâi khoàⁿ, tō sī chí [[chóng-thóng]].
Tī [[loē-koh-chè]] ê kok-ka--ni̍h, hêng-chèng-koân ê toā-thâu-lâng sù-siông tō sī li̍p-hoat-koân pō͘-mn̂g ([[kok-hoē]]) lāi-té siōng-toā chèng-tóng ê léng-tō-chiá, tī chit-ê chêng-hóng chi-hā, i sī cheng-chò [[siú-siòng]] khah chē. Si̍t-chè-tek ta̍k-ê kok-ka tùi hêng-chèng-koân ê thâu-lâng ê cheng-ho͘ lóng bô sio-siâng.
Tī [[
Hêng-chèng pō͘-mn̂g pún-sin lóng ē àn kong-lêng iah jīm-bū koh chò cho͘-chit ê thiah-hun, pí-lūn [[kàu-io̍k]], [[kok-hông]], [[goā-kau]], [[keng-chè]] t.t., ta̍k-ê ē-chân ê cho͘-chit koh ē phah-phài thâu-lâng chú-chhî.
be the head of State, where as in a [[parliamentary system]] he or she is usually the leader of the largest [[Political party|party]] in the [[legislature]] and is most commonly termed the [[Prime Minister]] ([[Taoiseach]] in the
[[Republic of Ireland]], (Federal) [[Chancellor]] in [[Germany]] and [[Austria]]). In [[France]], executive power is shared between the [[President of France|President]] and the [[Prime Minister of France|Prime Minister]] and this system has been reproduced in a number of former French [[Colony|colonies]]. [[Switzerland]] and [[Bosnia and Herzegovina]] have similar
collegiate systems for the role of [[head of state]] and Government. The Head of Government is assisted by a number of [[Minister|ministers]], who usually have responsibilities for particular areas (e.g. health, education, foreign affairs), and by a large number of government employees or civil servants.
[[ar:سلطة تنفيذية]]