"Lating-gí" pán-pún chi-kan bô-kāng--ê tē-hng

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'''Latin-gí'''/ (''Lingua Latina''), he̍k-chiá '''La-teng-gí'''/, '''Lia̍pLat-teng-gí'''<ref>{{cite dictionary|title=Latin |dictionary=English and Chinese dictionary of the Amoy dialect|author=John Macgowan|year=1883|url=https://archive.org/stream/cu31924023550878#page/n283/mode/2up|quote=拉丁 Lat teng}}</ref>, ('''Lingua LatinaLia̍p-teng-gí''')<ref>{{cite dictionary|author=[[Thomas Barclay]]|title=拉|year=1923|dictionary=Supplement to Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy|url=https://archive.org/stream/chineseenglish00doug#page/144/mode/2up|quote=lia̍p-teng, Latin.}}</ref>, sī chi̍t-chióng kó͘-chá [[Roma]]-lâng kóng ê [[gí-giân]]. [[Roma Thian-chú-kàu]] Kàu-hoē chit-má tī chèng-sek to͘-ha̍p iû-goân ēng Latin-gí, só͘-í i sī [[Vaticano]] ê [[koaⁿ-hong gí-giân]].
[[Kho-ha̍k]] kap [[i-ha̍k]] ū chiâⁿ chē jī-sû sī Latin-gí. Hiān-tāi ê gí-giân mā ū chiâⁿ chē sī ùi Latin-gí lâi--ê, chhin-chhiūⁿ [[Se-pan-gâ-gí]], [[Portugal-gí]], [[Hoat-gí]], [[Italia-gí]] kap [[Romania-gí]].
== Chham-khó ==
== Gōa-pō͘ liân-kiat ==