Ai-ki̍p Tē-18 Ông-tiâu

Ai-ki̍p Tē-18 Ông-tiâu (埃及第18王朝, Eng-gí: Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt) sī Kó͘-tāi Ai-ki̍p Sin Ông-kok sî-kî ê ông-tiâu, tāi-iok chū chiân 1550 nî kàu chiân 1292 nî.

Ai-ki̍p Tē-18 Ông-tiâu
Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt
c. chiân 1550 nî–c. chiân 1292 nî
The Egyptian Eighteenth Dynasty's empire at its greatest territorial extent under Thutmose III
The Egyptian Eighteenth Dynasty's empire at its greatest territorial extent under Thutmose III
Siú-to͘ Thebes, Akhetaten (chiân 1351–chiân 1334)
Thong-iōng gí-giân Ai-ki̍p-gí
Canaan chu-gí
Nubia chu-gí
Akkadia-gí (goā-kau kap bō͘-e̍k)
kó͘-tāi Ai-ki̍p chong-kàu
Aten-kàu (chiân 1351–chiân 1334)
Chèng-hú Choa̍t-tùi kun-chú-chè
Le̍k-sú sî-kî Ai-ki̍p Sin Ông-kok
• Defeat of the Fifteenth Dynasty (expulsion of the Hyksos)
c. chiân 1550 nî
c. chiân 1457
c. chiân 1350– chiân 1330
• Death of Horemheb
c. chiân 1292 nî
í-chêng kok-ka
í-āu kok-ka
Ai-ki̍p Tē-15 Ông-tiâu
Ai-ki̍p Tē-17 Ông-tiâu
Ai-ki̍p Tē-19 Ông-tiâu