Thó-lūn:Liân-ha̍p Ông-kok
(Tùi 英國 choán--lâi)
Scotland kiám-chhái chì-chió ū 2 ê cho̍k-kûn? "Lowlander" (kóng Lallans) kap "Highlander" (kóng Celtic gí)? A-giâu 20:06, 10 Jul 2004 (UTC)
- Ggg... Si lah! M-koh Scotland si 1 e nation kap country (= país = pays).... Bo-hoat-tou, nation-country hoan-ek choe 'chok-kun/kok-ka', kam thong? Bo beh an-choann? -- Kaihsu 20:10, 10 Jul 2004 (UTC)
- Koh kong, England kam si 1 e chok-kun (nation?)? England si 1 e country, chit-ma u chiok-choe chok-kun (ethnic groups).... Towards civil society?? -- Kaihsu 20:12, 10 Jul 2004 (UTC)
- Khoann!:-
- nation > chok-kun > ethnic group
- country > kok-ka > state
- Bo hoat-tou! -- Kaihsu 20:15, 10 Jul 2004 (UTC)
Sit-chai, Scotland e Celtic gu-gian si kio-choe (Scottish/Scots) Gaelic, thak-choe 'GA-lik' (m-si chhin-chhiunn Eire e, thak-choe 'GE-I-lik'). -- Kaihsu 20:20, 10 Jul 2004 (UTC)
大不列顛佮北愛爾蘭的聯合王國 (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)是佇歐洲的一个國家,定定是叫做"英國" (對英格蘭(England)來的; 毋過按呢叫無真正確)。

聯合王國是四个地區(族群佮國家)組成的:英格蘭、蘇格蘭(Scotland)、威爾斯(Cymru;Wales)(這三个佇不列顛島(Great Britain)頂懸)佮北愛爾蘭(Éire)(佇愛爾蘭島的北爿)。
聯合王國是一个有憲法的王國;伊的頭人是查某王聯合王國的第二个伊麗莎白(Elizabeth);首相(chhoā頭的部長)是Gordon Brown,聯合王國的府城是倫敦(London)。