Che sī 2024 nî kok-ka goân-siú, chèng-hú siú-náu, kap kî-thaⁿ thâu-lâng ê lia̍t-toaⁿ. Thàu-kòe chit hūn lia̍t-toaⁿ, tha̍k-chiá ē-ēng tùi tong-nî ê kok-kok léng-tō-chiá ū koh-khah choân-bīn ê liáu-kái kap pí-tùi. Chit hūn lia̍t-toaⁿ àn-chiàu tāi-lio̍k ê jī-bó sūn-sī lâi pâi-lia̍t kap hun-lūi, hun-chò A-chiu, Au-chiu, Hui-chiu, Lâm Bí-chiu, Pak Bí-chiu, kap Tāi-iûⁿ-chiu kúi-nā-ê tē-he̍k; hō͘ tha̍k-chiá hong-piān cha-sûn.

Chia ê kok-kok léng-tō-chiá ē-ēng tāi-lio̍k hun-chò nn̄g khoán. Chi̍t khoán sī goân-siú, pau-hâm hông-tè, thian-hông, kok-ông, chóng-thóng téng-téng; lēng-gōa chi̍t khoán sī kok-ka chèng-hú ê siú-náu, pau-hâm chóng-lí, siú-siòng, kap lōe-koh pō͘-tiúⁿ téng-téng bîn-soán ia̍h-sī goân-siú jīm-bēng ê chèng-hú chit-ūi.

Documentation icon Pang-bô͘ bûn-su

This template is designed to be used with State leaders by year articles between 499 BC and the present.


{{SLBY|YYYY}} for years 1, 2, ..., present
{{SLBY|-YYY}} for years 1 BC, 2 BC, ..., 499 BC


Use {{SLBY|-20}} in List of state leaders in 20 BC.

See what links to this template for live examples.


This template will automatically add the transcluding page to the following categories

  • [[Category:YYYY]]
  • [[Category:Lists of state leaders by year]]
  • [[Category:YYYY in international relations]] (only if it exists)
  • [[Category:Xth-century rulers]] (for years before 1901)

To disable this feature (for demonstration pages) use |_nocat=true.

See also