New Zealand

(Tùi Liú-se-lân choán--lâi)

New Zealand (Eng-gí ho͘-im: /njuːˈziːlənd/, Óa-im: "niu jí-len-toh"), Māori-gú hō-miâ Aotearoa, mā thang e̍k-chò Sin Se-lân (新西蘭), Liú-se-lân (紐西蘭), ia̍h Niú-se-lân, sī Tāi-iûⁿ-chiu ê kok-ka.

New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand kî-á
New Zealand kok-hui
Kok-koa:  God Defend New Zealand
"Siōng-tè siú-hō͘ New Zealand"
Ông-ka siōng-koaGod Save the King
"Siōng-tè pó-iū kok-ông"
Tē-ūi New Zealand Ông-kok ê kò͘-sêng-kok
Siú-to͘ Wellington
Siāng-tōa siâⁿ-chhī Auckland
Koaⁿ-hong gí-giân Eng-gí, Māori-gí, New Zealand Chhiú-gí
Chèng-hú tan-it-chè, gī-hōe-chè, kun-chú li̍p-hiàn
• kok-ông
Charles 3-sè
• chóng-tok
Cindy Kiro
• chóng-lí
Jacinda Ardern
Li̍p-hoat ki-kò͘ Kok-hōe
• Lóng-chóng
268,021 km2 (103,483 sq mi) (tē 75 miâ)
• Chúi-he̍k (%)
• 2021 nî kó͘-kè
Neutral increase5,135,050 (tē 121 miâ)
• 2018 nî phó͘-cha
• Bi̍t-tō͘
19.1/km2 (49.5/sq mi) (tē 167 miâ)
GDP (PPP) 2021 nî kó͘-kè
• Lóng-chóng
Increase $226.566 cha̍p-ek (tē 64 miâ)
• Pêng-kin
Increase $44,226 (tē 42 miâ)
GDP (bêng-gī) 2021 nî kó͘-kè
• Lóng-chóng
Increase $243.332 cha̍p-ek (tē 50 miâ)
• Pêng-kin
Increase $47,499 (tē 22 miâ)
Gini (2019 nî) Negative increase 33.9
HDI (2019 nî) Increase 0.931
chin ko · tē 14 miâ
Hoè-pè New Zealand dollar ($) (NZD)
Sî-khu UTC+12 (NZST)
• Hā-sî-kan (DST)
Sî-kan keh-sek dd/mm/yyyy
Khui-chhia hong-hiòng chó
 tiān-oē khu-hō +64
ISO 3166 tāi-hō NZ
Siōng-téng domain .nz



Hô-lân ê thàm-hiám-chiá Abel Tasman tī 1642 nî ê sî kā pún só͘-chāi hō chò Staten Landt, goân-lâi sī lia̍h-kiò chia sī Lâm Bí-chiu ê lâm-pêng bóe.[1] 1645 nî, Hô-lân ê tē-tô͘-su kái miâ Nova Zeelandia ("Sin Ji̍t-lân-jia"), che sī tùi Hô-lân ê séng-hūn Zeeland hō--lâi-ê.[2][3] Té-bóe Eng-kok ê thàm-hiám-chiá James Cook koh kā hō-miâ Eng-gí-hòa, pìⁿ chò New Zealand.[4]

New Zealand chit-ê Eng-gí-miâ tī kin-sè khah liû-hêng ê im-e̍k-gí chi̍t khoán sī Liú Se-lân (紐西蘭), chóng-sī nā Tâi-oân-ōe it-poaⁿ sī kóng Niú Se-lân. Mā ū-ê hoan-e̍k ū chiàu New ê ì-sù, pìⁿ chò Sin Se-lân (新 *). Kî-tha Tang-iûⁿ-sek ê im-e̍k-gí koh ū Giû Se-lân (牛西蘭), Sin Siat-lân-tō͘ (新設蘭杜), Sin Se-lân-thó͘, Sin Tī-i-lân-thó͘ (新地伊蘭土), Sin Chek-lân-thó͘ (新則蘭土), Sin Chek-lân-tē (新則蘭地) téng khoán.

Ū chi̍t khoán Maori sek ê hō-miâ sī Aotearoa. Chóng-sī Maori lâng tī Au-chiu-lâng kòe hia chìn-chêng sī-m̄-sī ū ēng chit jī piáu-sī kui-ê kin-á-ji̍t ê New Zealand, sī iáu bô kài chheng-chó ê tāi-chì. Khah goân-sú ê ì-sù, Aotearoa sī chí-miâ New Zealand ê Pak-tó.[5] Maori-gí ia̍h ū pa̍t khoán chheng-ho͘ New Zealand chú-iàu tó-sū ê miâ, pau-koat hō Pak-tó sī Te Ika-a-Māui, chheng Lâm-tóTe Waipounamu ia̍h Te Waka o Aoraki. New Zealand Tē-lí-ha̍k Lí-sū-hōe ( New Zealand Geographic Board) tī 2009 nî ê sî, hoat-kiàn kok-ka m̄-bat tēng koan-hong ê Lâm/Pak-tó hō-miâ, sòa tī 2013 nî ê sî chèng-sek siat Pak-tó hō Eng-gí North Island kap Maori-gí Te Ika-a-Māui, Lâm-tó hō South Island kap Te Waipounamu.[6]



Waitangi Tiâu-iok tī 1840-nî chhiam-tèng liáu-āu, New Zealand chiâⁿ-chò Eng-kok Si̍t-bîn-tē.






  • Hay, Jennifer; Maclagan, Margaret; Gordon, Elizabeth (2008). Dialects of English: New Zealand English. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 978-0-7486-2529-1. 


  1. Wilson, John (March 2009). "European discovery of New Zealand – Tasman's achievement". Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. 24 January 2011 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  2. Wilson, John (September 2007). "Tasman's achievement". Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. 16 February 2008 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  3. Mackay, Duncan (1986). "The Search For The Southern Land". Chū Fraser, B. The New Zealand Book Of Events. Auckland: Reed Methuen. pp. 52–54. 
  4. McKinnon, Malcolm (November 2009). "Place names – Naming the country and the main islands". Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. 24 January 2011 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  5. Hay, Maclagan & Gordon 2008, p. 72.
  6. Williamson, Maurice (10 October 2013). "Names of NZ's two main islands formalised" (Press release). New Zealand Government. 1 May 2017 khòaⁿ--ê. 

Siong-koan ê bûn-chiuⁿ
