Tiok su kí nî (hàn-gú: 竹書紀年; hàn-gú: Bamboo Annals) sī tiong-kok se tsìn bú-tè ê sî-tsūn teh tshiūñ kūn [en] kóo-bōng tshut-thóo tsíng-lí ê tsèn-kok tik-kan "tshiūñ thióng su [zh]" ê tsi̍t-pòo-hūn, guân-lâi bô tsheh-miâ; in-uī i-ê pen-lên-thé thé-lē jî-lâi bīng-miâ tsó "kì-nî", mā kiò-tsò [en] "tshiūñ thióng kì-nî". "Tiok su kí nî" sī tsi̍t-pōo tī se tsìn thài-khong nî (281-nî) hōo kiap-koan [en]-tsiá sóo huat-hēn ê kóo-tāi sú-su; teh sú-khòo tsuân-su tsi-tiong kui-sio̍k tsò sú-pōo pen-lên-thé[1]. "Tiok su kí nî" tong-sî hông bâi-tsông tī guī an-lî-ông (it-suat ing-kai sī guī siong-ông) ê bōng [en] lāi-té[chù 1], kì-lio̍k uì thuân-suat [zh] sî-tāi ê ngóo-tè kàu guī siong-ông tsi-kan ê tiōng-iàu li̍k-sú sū-kiāñ. "Tiok su kí nî" tī sòng-tiâu í-king tsi̍p-thit [en]. Jī-tsa̍p sè-kí tsên-āu, king-iû Tsu Iū-tsing [zh] hām Ông Kok-uî [zh] tíng-jîn khó-tsa [en] sen-sòng bûn-hèn, tiông-sin tsip-lio̍k kóo-pún ê tsú-iàu lāi-iông [en][2][3].

Tiok su kí nî
(Bamboo Annals)
Original title 竹書紀年
Kok-ka Kóo Tiong-kok Gūi-kok
Gí-giân Hàn-bûn
Tê-châi Tiong-kok kóo-tāi li̍k-sú [zh]
Chhut-pán ji̍t-chí
Kí-guân-tsîng 296-nî

"Tiok su kí nî" lāi-té ê pōo-hūn kì-tsài (pí-jū sùn thong-kuè tsìng-pèn m̄-sī sēn-jiōng tsik-uī [en], thài-kap sat-tiāu i-ún [zh] lâi ho̍k-phik [zh]) tse-kah "sú-kì" í-kip "siōng-su" tíng-tíng jû-ka kóo-tsi̍k [en] iú-sóo tsha-ī. Tse khó-lîng sī in-uī "tiok su kí nî" siá-tsok teh tsèn-kok sî-kî siū-tio̍h huat-ka su-sióng íng-hióng khah tshim ê gūi-kok, tsheh lāi-té ê li̍k-sú kuan-tiám siū-tio̍h huat-ka íng-hióng khah-tuā[4][5][6].


  1. 日本学者藤田勝久怀疑历来的以汲冢为战国魏王墓的说法,他指出汲冢临近魏国赵国的边境,而统治者的墓葬一般不会在边境建筑,他认为汲冢是战国魏国的一位贵族的墓地。在同一墓葬中同时出土了《国语》、《易经》及《穆天子传 [zh]》等文献(Hàn-gí)


  1. 《晋书·束皙传》:初,太康二年,汲郡人不準盗发魏襄王墓,或言安釐王冢,得竹书数十车,其《纪年》十三篇…… (Hàn-gí)
  2. Keightley, David N. (1978). "The Bamboo Annals and Shang-Chou Chronology". Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. 38 (2): 423–438. JSTOR 2718906.  (Hàn-gí)
  3. Shaughnessy, Edward L. (1986). "On The Authenticity of the Bamboo Annals". Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. 46 (1): 149–180. JSTOR 2719078.  (Hàn-gí)
  4. 邵東方 (2010). 竹書紀年研究論稿. Airiti Press. p. 148. ISBN 978-986-85182-9-2.  (Hàn-gí)
  5. 史学集刊. 吉林大学, 史学集刊编辑委员会. 1987. p. 5.  (Hàn-gí)
  6. 文瀾學報. 浙江省立圖書館. 1937.  (Hàn-gí)

Tsham-khó bûn-hiàn

  • 邵东方:〈《今本竹书纪年》周武王、成王纪谱排列问题再分析〉。 (Hàn-gí)
  • 倪德卫:〈“今本”《竹书纪年》与中国上古年代研究〉。 (Hàn-gí)
  • 朱淵清,三.汲冢書:編年古史《竹書紀年》,《再現的文明—中國出土文獻與傳統學術》,上海:華東師範大學出版社,2001年(Hàn-gí)
  • 藤田胜久:《史记战国史料研究》,上海古籍出版社,2008年(Hàn-gí)
  • (清)朱右曾 輯,(民國)王國維 較補:《古本竹書紀年輯校》,遼寧教育出版社,1997年(Hàn-gí)
  • 方詩銘、王修齡:《古本竹書紀年輯證(修订本)》,上海古籍出版社,2005年(Hàn-gí)
  • Nivison, David S., Early Chinese Texts. A Bibliographical Guide (Loewe, Michael, ed.) p.39-47, Berkeley: Society for the Study of Early China, 1993, ISBN 1-55729-043-1. (Eng-gí)
  • Shaughnessy, Edward L., 'The Editing and Editions of the Bamboo Annals', in: ibid, Rewriting Early Chinese Texts, Albany (State University of New York Press) 2006, ISBN 0-7914-6643-4. (Eng-gí)
  • Nivison, David S. (倪德衛), The Riddle of the Bamboo Annals (竹書紀年解謎), Taipei (Airiti Press) 2009, ISBN 978-986-85182-1-6. 內容 三民書局, Airiti Press Archived 2011-07-07 at the Wayback Machine., Amazon or 電子書, 或倪德衛總結 Archived 2009-07-02 at the Wayback Machine.. (Eng-gí)
  • SHAO, Dongfang (邵東方), Critical Reflection on Current Debates about The Bamboo Annals, 台北 (Airiti Press) 2010, ISBN 978-986-85182-9-2. For the content Airiti Press Archived 2010-01-27 at the Wayback Machine., 三民書局, 電子書. (Eng-gí)
  • Nivison, David S., 'The Dates of Western Chou', in: Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 43 (1983) pp. 481-580. (Eng-gí)
  • Nivison, David S., The Key to the Chronology of the Three Dynasties. The "Modern Text" Bamboo Annals, Philadelphia (Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Pennsylvania) 1999, Sino-Platonic Papers 93. 點 總結. (Eng-gí)
  • Shaughnessy Edward L., 'On the Authenticity of the Bamboo Annals', in: Before Confucius. Studies in the Creation of the Chinese Classics, Ithaca (SUNY Press) 1997, ISBN 0-7914-3378-1, pp.69-101, 點 .:Also published in: Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies vol. 46 (1986), pp. 149-180. (Eng-gí)



Guā-pōo liân-kiat
